Can Dogs Eat Cashews? Useful Tips You Need to Know

can dogs eat cashews

Cashews are delicious and creamy, packed with flavor and vital nutrients. Certainly, adding cashews to our diet is advantageous, but can our furry companions safely enjoy this snack?

You like to eat cashews and share them with your canine companion but the important question is ‘can dogs eat cashews too?’

Yes, dogs can eat cashews as long as they are in moderation.

Can Dogs Eat Cashews Safely? What You Should Know

Let me elaborate that cashews are one of the few different types of nuts that are generally considered safe to feed our dog’s pets others, like macadamia nuts and walnuts, can actually be toxic.

Cashews provide nutrients that are good for your dogs. But like most important things, “Moderation Is Key”. Fiber, protein, and healthy fats are found in cashews but overeating can cause problems.

Cashews are healthy and good for us as well as our dogs, but dogs have a very limited range when there is too much, well, “too much”.

Omega-6 fatty acids in cashews work properly with omega-3 fatty acids to control inflammation in the body and maintain the soft coat.

Are Cashews Safe for Dogs?

One of the most concerning questions that are cashews really safe and healthy for my dog. Keep in mind that cashews are safe for dogs only as long as they’re eaten in moderation.

Too many cashews are toxic or dogs’ health.

Cashews are actually good and healthy for your dog to eat not including macadamia nuts, for example, which are poisonous.

Cashews are also rich in nutrients, such as:

  • Vitamin E/K
  • Magnesium
  • Protein
  • Fiber
  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Healthy fats

Health Benefits of Cashews to Your Dog

Ask a question before feeding your dog cashews “does your need extra fat in his diet?” Cashews are a great source of healthy fats, and they also contain some nutrients that are best for a dog’s health.

By weight, cashews contain about 48 people fat, 17 percent protein, and 30 percent carbohydrates. An estimate is that each whole cashew contains one gram of fat.

By measuring a very active 20-pound dog needs 300-400 calories per day, and a general recommendation is that 10-15 percent of those calories come from fat in dog food.

One ounce of cashews contains about 126 calories from fat, which is 30-40 percent of a pup’s caloric needs.

dog safe cashew butter, cashew milk, tasty nuts, food allergies,feed your dog cashews

How to Feed Cashews to Dogs

Here’s what if your dog likes cashews then follow the directions above. Select only the packaged, unsalted raw, OR roasted variety. You should be aware that there aren’t any other types of nuts in the package.

This is because other nuts can be quite harmful to our canine friends. For example, macadamia nuts are very harmful and toxic to them. Similarly, toxicity signs include:

Always keep an eye on not feeding your dog cashews from the variety pack. Usually from the incidence of allergic reactions to nuts in people, it takes very little exposure to cause issues.

Similarly, for cashew butter, most types you see in the store have extra ingredients like added and/or excessive salt, sugar, or oil that should stay away.

1. Cashew Butter

You can also consider making a safe cashew butter for your dog by adding 1 cup of unsalted cashews with honey and mixing well until it’s smooth. But again, you must want to use moderation in serving this.

2. Unshelled Cashew

Let me clarify that avoid giving unshelled cashews to your dog. They can cause gastroenteritis and irritate the skin because these shells contain a toxin called anacardic acid.

3. Chocolaty Nuts

Also avoid dog any chocolaty nuts, as well as nut varieties sweetened with xylitol. Both chocolate and xylitol are very harmful to dogs and can result in severe problems.

Eating Cashews Be Dangerous for Dogs

It is ever possible, although rare, for a dog to have a severe allergic reaction to cashews. If you feed cashews to your dog, must watch him for symptoms of an allergy.

Symptoms included:

  • Swelling
  • Hives
  • Itchy
  • Irritation

If you do offer your dog cashews, make sure they only come from a bag of cashews to stay away from contamination with other nuts, and that you give them the unsalted type.


Cashews are not harmful to dogs and are safe to consume. However, there are a few basic informative tips you should keep in mind before introducing these tropical nuts to your pet’s diet.

cashew safe for dogs, cashew for dogs,


1. How many cashews can a dog eat?

Food intake is very important in human food as well as animal food. 

On the other hand, check with your vet first if you’re following the 10 percent rule, which limits a dog’s food intake to 10 percent of its daily intake, for a 20-pound dog. 3 to 4 cashews may be required.

That’s 10 percent….!

Any more than that, and you could exceed her daily calorie requirements.

2. Which nuts are poisonous to dogs?

A few nuts dogs should avoid:

Macadamia nuts

Highly toxic to dogs. May cause weakness, ataxia, vomiting, convulsions, and hyperthermia.


Dogs should be avoided. Pistachios are highly rich in fat which can cause pancreatitis and stomach upset issues.


Although not directly harmful, it is recommended that they not be given to pets because they pose a significant obstruction risk (they are difficult for pets to break down, and pets do not always chew their food well).


These are not directly poisonous, but like walnuts, they are moldy. Various microorganisms, including toxic and pathogenic fungal species, cannot be easily detected by the naked eye. They can also cause gastrointestinal discomfort and obstruction.

Hickory nuts

Because of their large size and shell, they often cause intestinal obstruction and can be a choking hazard, especially for small dogs. Molds contain tremorogenic mycotoxins, which can cause seizures or neurological symptoms.

Black walnuts

Very toxic to dogs. May cause stomach upset and neurological symptoms.

Old and moldy walnuts

Very toxic to dogs’ health. May cause shock and seizures.

Raw Cashews

Avoid poisons for dogs. Raw nuts contain compounds that make them harder to digest than roasted/cooked nuts, which can increase the likelihood of an upset stomach.

3. Why are cashews good for dogs?

Cashews are a superb vehicle for healthy fats. Sounds good!

Feeding your dog cashews also have some nutrients, such as vitamin E, vitamin K, and zinc, which are necessary to a dog’s health.

Feeding cashews are generally safe for dogs to eat. Unlike macadamia nuts, cashews aren’t toxic to dogs.

4. Can dogs eat cashews or almonds?

Feeding your dog cashews are also healthy & safe in small quantities, But both cashews and almonds are so high and rich in fat to make regular meals. But almonds can also be potential choking hazards.

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