Can Dogs Eat Oranges Safely? Discover the Surprising Answer


Wondering whether dogs can eat oranges? This guide is designed specifically for you!

Here we will also answer the question – can dogs have orange peels? Also, how many oranges are safe for your dog to eat?

We will also cover what happens if a dog eats oranges and symptoms of what happens when they eat orange peels. We will also cover other frequently asked questions like whether dogs can drink orange juice.

Let us dive into it.

Can Dogs Eat Oranges Peels and Oranges?

Vets suggest that dogs can eat oranges, but only in moderation. In fact; most citrus fruits like oranges are not toxic or poisonous to dogs and may even provide your dog with vitamin C and fiber.

 However, orange peels are not the best food to feed your dog. They are bitter and most dogs won’t like their taste. Also, peels can be a choking hazard for dogs, especially puppies.

Furthermore, you must not be feeding oranges to diabetic dogs due to their high sugar content. Too many orange pieces may excess the dog’s daily calorie intake and can cause blood sugar levels to spike.

What Happens if Dogs Eat Oranges?

According to the AKC experts, oranges are a healthy snack for dogs, albeit in moderation. Oranges can provide your pet with the following health benefits and nutrients:

  • Vitamin C – oranges are packed with a little extra vitamin C. This antioxidant can delay aging, fight illnesses, and boost your dog’s immune system. Do note that dogs synthesize vitamin C and don’t need supplementation for it.
  • Fiber – fiber is essential to keep your dog satiated longer. This could help with weight loss. Fiber is also beneficial for heart health. However, too much fiber in the digestive tract can cause issues in the pet’s stomach. So, feed oranges to your dog in moderation.
  • Potassium and sodium – these nutrients are needed for maintaining the balance of electrolytes in your dog’s body. They are essential for your pet’s heart health.

What Happens if Dogs Eat Orange Peels?

In tiny amounts, peels won’t harm your dog. However, many dogs won’t willingly eat the orange peel as it is bitter. The dog’s body digests oranges but not the peels.
Excess peels may result in stomach upset in dogs.

When fed a whole orange in excess, along with the peels, the dog’s digestive system may retaliate. Even adult dogs fed oranges in large quantities with peels may suffer diarrhea or vomiting. Smaller dogs are at a greater risk.

Also, peels can pose a choking hazard, especially for young puppies. Therefore, please do not feed whole orange peels, piths, or orange seeds to your dog.

If you notice your dog eating peels, please remove them immediately. Also, keep an eye on your dog over the next few hours. If it starts vomiting, retching, or diarrhea, please call your vet and seek advice. Mostly, they will tell you to monitor your dog over the next 24 hours. The peels should pass through your dog’s stomach.

If the vomiting persists over the next few days, please take your dog to the vet’s clinic right away.

Can Dogs Drink Orange Juice?

Yes, human food such as freshly squeezed juice is generally safe for dogs. However, please limit the dog’s intake of orange juice to just a few teaspoons.

In excess, the natural sugars in orange juice could cause blood sugar levels to spike. This can be harmful to your pet and may increase the risk of obesity as well as diabetes in your pal.

What Are The Hazards of Feeding Dog Oranges?

While dogs of all sizes and breeds can mostly eat oranges safely, it is important to keep an eye on your dog the first time it eats oranges.

While for a majority of dogs, the body digests orange, in some dogs it is known to cause stomach upset. They are known to vomit or have an upset stomach after eating oranges. It may be best to discontinue feeding dog oranges if your pet vomits them out. 

Also, some varieties of oranges tend to have plenty of natural sugar in them. Dogs with diabetes should not eat too many oranges as it could cause a spike in their sugar levels.

Even if your dog does not have diabetes, eating too many oranges could increase the risk of obesity as well as type-2 diabetes in your pet.

Some dogs also dislike the acidic taste of oranges. Moreover, too much fiber in a dog’s diet could cause loose and watery stools in your dog.

Also Read: Can Dogs Eat Nectarines?

How Much Orange Is Safe for Dogs?

Irrespective of your dog’s breed and size, it is best to feed oranges in moderation to your pet. Oranges should be treated as treats and vets recommend limiting the dogs’ daily treats to less than 10% of their total daily calorie intake and dog diet.

Thus, if your dog is allowed 400 calories per day, you should not feed more than 40 calories in treats. Since one small orange contains almost 73 calories, you should feed no more than half an orange to your dog (only if the dog’s daily calorie limit is 400 calories). 

If your dog’s calorie intake is less than that, then you may only feed half or one slice of the orange. Small dogs can be fed orange slices in minuscule amounts only.

You can feed some healthy treat alternatives to your dog. This includes healthy low-calorie dog treats which have moderate sugar content. Again, one or two orange slice segments should be safe for almost all dogs but feed no more than that.

Also, Read- Can Dogs Eat Cat Treats?

How Many Mandarins can a Dog Eat? What Happens if my Dog Eats a Mandarin?

Yes, experts state that dogs may eat mandarins. As long as you feed mandarins in moderation, your dog will appreciate that healthy treat. Mandarins are a refreshing snack for your dog and can provide it with enough vitamin C. 

However, as with oranges, pet parents must take the necessary precautions and only feed a small number of mandarins. Take care not to exceed your dog’s daily calorie limit. After all, even mandarins like all other citrus fruits can spike sugar in dogs’ blood.

As always, keep an eye on your canine friend. If you spot uncommon behavior after feeding oranges or mandarin, please talk to your vet.

What Citrus Fruits Are Bad for Dogs?

Some citrus fruits like oranges, tangerines, lemons, limes, sweet limes, etc. can be harmful to some dogs. Even in tiny quantities, the fruit’s flesh can cause issues in the pup’s stomach. So make sure that puppies eat oranges in small quantities.

In small quantities, a few orange pieces won’t harm your pet and may even provide health benefits. However, the citric acid of oranges, tangerines, nectarines, etc. could harm the dog’s colon. In excess, citric acid could be toxic to dogs.

Sure, most dogs may like any citrus fruit as a refreshing snack and there may be some health benefits too. But, the acidic nature of these fruits makes it necessary to limit the intake of for your furry friend and especially for overweight dogs.


Are cuties safe for dogs?

Cuties are generally safe for dogs and may have the same benefits as oranges have for dogs. However, do feed only a few pieces and keep an eye out for any unusual behavior in your pet – especially if it is the first time eating cuties.

Can dogs eat tangerine oranges?

Yes, in moderation, tangerine oranges can be a healthy snack with C-vitamin for your dogs.

Are oranges toxic to dogs? How many oranges can a dog eat?

No, oranges aren’t toxic to dogs. They are a safe treat to feed dogs but in moderation. For example, a large dog could have 1-2 orange segments but a small one should be limited to eating ½ orange pieces a day.

Are peeled oranges good for dogs? Can dogs have cuties’ peel? Can dogs eat tangerines or oranges peel?

Peeled oranges are good for dogs. Avoid feeding peels and orange pith to dogs – only feed orange segments. Dogs should not eat cutie peels. Similarly, even single-serve oranges and tangerine peels are also harmful to dogs.

What fruit can’t dogs eat?

Dogs cannot eat other fruits like grapes, avocados, cherries, and tomatoes. These fruits can harm your dog so please avoid feeding them.

Conclusion – Can Dogs Eat Oranges?

Yes, dogs can safely eat oranges in moderation. They are a healthy, vitamin C-rich treat for dogs. However, you must practice moderation when feeding dogs oranges. In excess, their natural sugar content can cause blood sugar spikes and upset stomachs and may even lead to obesity and type-2 diabetes in dogs.

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