Can Dogs Eat Raw Meat? How To Lower The Risk Of Feeding Dogs Raw Meat Diet

can dogs eat raw meat

Is it Safe for Dogs to Consume Raw Meat? Responding to this straightforward inquiry isn’t as clear-cut as just saying “YES or NO.” It’s common knowledge that dogs have a strong affinity for meat, spanning from raw cuts to succulent chunks of roasted chicken, and even slices of steak.

However, it’s essential to evaluate how suitable it is for our dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Meat?

Technically, dogs can eat raw meat but it doesn’t mean they should.

Raw food diets have gained the attention of pet owners in recent years. There are several factors for this, but a common fact is why many pet parents feed their dogs raw food.

Now, what’s my point? This basically believes that a raw diet is closer to what dogs and other canines currently ate when they lived in the wildlife. It is as close to their ordinary diet as possible.

And now, you’re thinking that how true are these claims? Can really dogs eat raw meat? Is it safe and healthy for them?

If you’re looking for a simple and short answer, “Yes,” dogs can eat raw meat, bones, and organs from a variety of animals. But that’s only half the question.

Let me clarify that there are many aspects to consider when it comes to feeding you raw meat. Certain types of meat are off-limits and should not be included in your dog’s raw food diet.

You don’t want to miss this part about whether it is safe to feed raw meat to dogs and how to do it safely.

Raw Meat Meets The Biological Needs Of Dogs

Raw Meat Meets The Biological Needs Of Dogs

Here’s something we can both agree on proponents of this approach argue that dogs are omnivores and that raw foods meet their biological needs. Before dogs were domesticated, their diet consisted mostly of raw meat.

It is compulsory to note that the lifespan of dogs during this time was also shorter than today’s domesticated dog breeds.

Wolves still used raw meat in the wild, but let me elaborate that the dogs that we have today are distant relatives of the “wolves” they descended from.

Here’s what I mean dogs’ digestive systems are designed to digest raw meat rapidly and efficiently.

Their gastrointestinal system is smaller than a human’s, which means food crosses through it faster.

Dogs also have high stomach acids that help break down foods that humans could never safely eat.

Why Many Pet Owners Are Switching Their Dogs to Raw Food Diet?

Let me lift the veil for you!

One of the main concerns that led many pet owners to start looking into raw meat diets for dogs is the memories of pet food that never fade.

They are also concerned about the occurrence of diet-related diseases.

Raw foods good

let me tell you how the attainability of commercial raw meat-based diets has offered dog owners an easy way to seamlessly transition their pets to a raw diet.

Sadly, many of these dog owners have replaced their pet’s diet from commercial sources with raw meat without taking advice from any veterinarian OR pet nutritionist.

Now different dog owners have turned away from traditional commercial diets and started their dogs on a raw food diet that they believe is more natural.

Here’s how pet owners think that nutrition is important in food choices for dog diets.

Unlike veterinarians and researchers, most owners provide feeding their pets the same way they provide feeding their families and consider pets as part of the family.

What Raw Meat Diet Can Dogs Eat?

Here is the important question about what raw meat diet can dogs eat. Common proteins in popular raw food diets include milk, eggs, bones, and the meats given below:

  • Beef
  • Poultry
  • Pork
  • Fish

Be Alert! Owners of dogs with one type of meat should be aware that it is denatured meat, sometimes called 3D or 4D meat. Rogue Pet Science writes that this meat usually comes from dead, dying, or diseased animals.

During processing, this meat is often deemed unfit for human consumption and ends up in pet food. This is a legal but dangerous fact because of the bacteria and chemicals used in manufacturing.

Possible Benefits Of Eating Raw Meat For Dogs:

We want to make sure our four-legged companions get a healthy, balanced diet as pet parents. While there are various dog food options, many owners have started looking for raw meat-based dog foods.

According to the discussion, eating raw meat diets benefit dogs in various ways:

1. Lean Mass and Healthy Weight Maintenance

A big benefit of raw meat for dogs is to balance a system, helping them gain or lose weight as needed.

2. Healthy Coat and Skin

Davis found in the research at the University of California, that a raw meat diet is not only smoother for dogs to digest, but also turns out a softer, shinier coat than a grain-based dry diet.

This can be described as the fact that raw foods have little or no carbohydrate filler but plenty of fresh fat, protein, and high levels of vitamin E and zinc, all of which are very important for health benefits. However, most dog kibbles add vitamin E and zinc to the formula to get the same result.

3. Better Breath and Oral Health

A study (Brown & Park) confirmed that dental problems in dogs are the result of feeding a soft diet with inadequate dental activity.

In the theory, thirty dogs with tooth loss and dental calculus had their canned dog food ration replaced with beef oxtail (which consists of a tough backbone).

Over 30 percent of the calculus was removed within 24 hours, and by the end of the second week, approximately 95% of dogs had calculus removed.

4. Development in Medical Conditions

Proponents declare that raw meat can help to regulate the conditions such as diabetes, although more research is needed to confirm that it is actually beneficial for dogs with these health problems.

Remember! Always discuss diet with your veterinarian if your dog has an underlying medical condition.

5. Improved Sensitive Digestive Systems

Some Proponents believe that raw food enables dogs to consume more nutrients. While kibble stays in a dog’s stomach for 7 to 9 hours, raw food only takes only 1 or 2 hours to digest.

As a result, the dog will poop less frequently and their poop will smell less strong. A great way to improve the more sensitive digestive systems of dogs.

Raw Meat

Possible Risks Of A Raw Meat Dog Diet

Although there are great benefits to feeding dogs raw meat most veterinarians will suggest against it. A few of the basic reasons are why:

Raw Dog Food Hosts Bacteria

Raw meat food presents a significantly greater risk of contamination than cooked meat. It is because that heat destroys many pathogens and germs, such as Salmonella.

Although less susceptible to Salmonella than humans, some will become quite ill and have diarrhea for several days. In some cases, additional severe clinical symptoms may occur.

Even if your pet doesn’t get sick from the bacteria in the dog’s raw meat, it will spread infectious spores everywhere, putting your family members at risk.

This is especially important for families with young children to consider, as feeding raw meat to dogs puts them at peak risk of harmful bacteria.

Other bacteria and pathogens often present in raw meat include:

1. Clostridium

Clostridium causes diarrhea in dogs. There are two important types of Clostridium in dogs:

  • Clostridium difficile
  • Clostridium perfringens

2. Listeria

This rarely causes disease in dogs and, even when infection occurs, dogs have only mild gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting. However, major serious symptoms are also possible, including high fever, difficulty in breathing, muscle pain, and even death.

3. Campylobacter

In dogs, common clinical signs are abdominal pain, watery diarrhea, fever, and lethargy. Diarrhea can last for 5 to 7 days or more.

4. Trichinosis

A parasitic disease is basically caused by a roundworm parasite which is also known as “Pork Worm”. In different conditions, this infection is caused by eating contaminated raw pork.

5. E. coli.

It is usually started in dogs, but symptoms can occur when the concentration of the bacteria is high. If left untreated, an E. coli infection can also cause result in serious blood poisoning.

It mainly affects puppies but can appear in dogs of any age.

Possible Risks Of A Raw Meat Dog Diet (dog sick)

How To Lower The Risk Of Feeding Dogs Raw Meat Diet

Yes, Your dogs can eat raw meat as long as your veterinarian is definitely on board, I’ll explain but there are a few things to make sure to reduce the risk of illness from contamination.

1. Be Sure of Meat Quality & Proper Hygiene

And top of that quality is the most fundamental factor when it comes to minimizing the risks of raw dog food.

The first step is to choose meat that looks fresh and also smells good. Never use meat that has been lying on the counter too long.

Secondly, you need to keep in mind that you use proper cleaning processes. Following recommendations to be followed:

  • Freezing raw meat until ready to use
  • Keep raw meat separate from cooked food
  • Clean preparation surfaces and food bowls with soap and hot water to kill the germs
  • Must wash your hands before and after handling meat.

2. Be Careful When Feeding Raw Bones to Dogs

Remember! dogs can eat raw bones that are not smaller in size, but especially avoid feeding your pet cooked bones.

Small bones can cause a choking hazard, but you should be especially alert of cooked chicken bones, as they can get stuck in your dog’s throat or may be harmful to his intestines.

Uncooked bones are soft and your dog should have no issue managing them.

3. Puppies and Senior Dogs are More Prone to Health Issues

As with humans, children are more prone to illness than adults, so pet parents should be especially careful with puppies as they grow rapidly and have complex nutritional needs.

Here’s how the same rule applies to older dogs who may have weakened immune systems and more sensitive digestive systems with the passage of time.

4. Balanced Nutrition is a Basic Need for a Dog’s Health

How the key to feeding your dog a raw meat diet is to ensure them with a balanced diet over time. Specialists recommend using commercially prepared formulas for all the nutrients required for a dog’s health, as home options are rarely complete.

What If My Dog Eats Raw Meat?

Guess what happened if your dog ate raw meat?

If your pet eats raw meat from any grocery store, chances are he will be fine. However, if you notice anything unusual after eating raw food, so immediately, contact your expert doctor.

Acute illness overnight or over the weekend may require an emergency veterinary hospital, but be sure that unexpected vet bills can be quite expensive.

In addition to raw meat, you should consult your vet for a proper evaluation of your pet. Must start your dog’s complete diet plan as advised by your doctor.

Read More: How to Tell If Your Dog Is Sick? 6 Signs You Will Notice

Consult Your Veterinarian

The most important point comes!

7964aa63 75b0 415d a22a df48be51799d Can Dogs Eat Raw Meat? How To Lower The Risk Of Feeding Dogs Raw Meat Diet

Although not recommended by most, if you want to feed your dog a raw meat-based diet, the decision is ultimately yours. However, before you do, it’s a good idea to talk to your veterinarian about raw food choices for your dog.

Your veterinarian will give you the most valuable advice on what is best for your dog’s health, the complete information on raw food is discussed above.

We hope we were able to help you answer the question “Can dogs eat raw meat?” If you have more valuable suggestions regarding this topic don’t forget to comment below.

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