Why Is My Dog Pooping Blood? Stop Your Worries Here Are Effective Treatments

dog pooping blood

Witnessing your cherished pet in any form of distress can be deeply distressing for any pet parent. It can certainly cause great concern to see your dog experiencing bloody stools. This symptom might point to various medical issues, many of which may require immediate care from a qualified veterinarian.

This article will explore the potential causes of blood in your dog’s stool and what steps you can take to ensure their health and well-being.

Blood in Dog Poop: Is Dog Pooping Blood an Emergency?

Pooping blood is never a good thing. So, seeing blood in your dog’s poop can signify a serious health issue requiring immediate veterinary attention. Not all cases of blood in a dog’s stool require immediate action, but it’s always better to err on the side of caution and visit the vet clinic as soon as possible.

Additionally, visit any of the emergency vets in your area if your dog’s pooping blood and exhibiting other symptoms, such as loss of appetite, difficulty breathing, lethargy, or vomiting.

Dog Pooping Blood: Types of Blood Color & Possible Reasons

The type of blood color in your dog’s stool can reveal a lot about their health condition, says AKC. Let’s discuss the different blood colors in a dog’s poop and the possible underlying issue for each.

Bright Red Blood in Dog Poop

Bright red blood in your dog’s poop can indicate bleeding in the lower digestive tract or rectum.

Bright red blood can be caused by inflammation, trauma, or the presence of parasites, such as hookworms or whipworms.

Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE), a condition that causes severe vomiting and diarrhea, can also cause bright red blood in the stool.

Dark or Tarry Bloody Stool

Dark, tarry stool may indicate bleeding in the upper digestive tract, such as the dog’s stomach or small intestine. Dark, tarry poop can be caused by stomach ulcers, tumors, digested blood, or ingesting foreign objects like bones.

A dark stool can also signify a more serious problem, such as internal bleeding, which can be life-threatening. So, if you notice black or tarry blood, visit your emergency vet.

Fresh Blood With Mucus

Fresh blood with mucus can signify colitis or inflammation in the large intestine.

Colitis can be caused by infection, food intolerances, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or stress. Some dogs with colitis may also have runny stools, vomiting, or loss of appetite. So, if you noticed blood in your dog’s poop, consult your vet asap.

Blood Mixed With Diarrhea

This can signify a bacterial or viral infection, such as parvovirus or gastroenteritis.

Infections can cause runny stools, vomiting, and dehydration, which is particularly scary and dangerous for young puppies or seniors.

Other possible causes of bloody and runny stools in dogs include ingesting toxic substances or certain medications.

If you notice abnormalities in your dog’s poop, it’s always best to consult a veterinarian for the best course of action. They will have a better idea of what’s going on with your dog’s health.

Blood in Dog Poop: What Should I Do if My Dog Poops Blood?

If you notice blood in your dog’s poop, it’s important to take action to have your dog examined, especially if you suspect it’s life-threatening.

Here’s a list of steps to follow if your dog is pooping blood:

Observe Your Dog

If your canine also exhibits vomiting, runny stools, lethargy, or loss of appetite, mention this to your vet.

Call Your Vet Immediately

Depending on the severity of the symptoms, your vet can recommend that you come in for a physical examination immediately or suggest you monitor your dog for any changes.

Collect a Stool Sample in a White Paper Towel

Bring a sample of your dog’s bloody poop to the appointment in a zip-lock bag. This can help your vet determine the cause of the bleeding and recommend the appropriate treatment.

Follow Your Vet’s Advice

Your vet can recommend further diagnostic tests, such as blood work, X-rays, or ultrasound, to determine the underlying cause of the bleeding.

Based on the diagnosis, your vet will recommend a course of treatment, which may include medication, dietary changes, or other interventions.

Monitor Your Dog’s Condition

Watch your dog’s poop, appetite, and behavior closely. If you notice any changes or worsening symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Prevent Future Occurrences

To prevent future issues, ensure your dog is up to date on all vaccinations and deworming.

Also, provide a healthy and balanced diet, and keep hazardous substances or objects that can cause injury away from your dog.

Remember, prompt veterinary help can save your dog’s life if you find blood in their poop, so visit the nearest vet clinic when you notice blood in your dog’s stool.

What Does it Mean if My Dog is Pooping Blood and Diarrhea?

Here’s a list of possible reasons why your canine has runny and bloody poop:

Gastrointestinal Infections

Bacterial, viral, or parasitic GI tract infections can cause bloody and runny stools. Common infections include parvovirus, Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Giardia.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

This chronic condition causes inflammation in the lining of the intestines. Dogs with IBD can experience chronic diarrhea, weight loss, and bloody stools.

Allergies or Sensitivities

Some dogs can develop a sensitive or allergic reaction to certain foods, which can cause bloody and runny stools and upset their GI tract.

Intestinal Obstruction

Intestinal obstruction caused by ingested foreign bodies, like toys or bones, can cause bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis (HGE)

HGE is a serious condition that can cause sudden vomiting and bloody diarrhea in dogs and requires immediate veterinary help.


In rare cases, bloody and runny stools can be a sign of cancer, such as colorectal cancer or lymphoma.

Overall, if your puppy is having bloody and runny stools, seek veterinary help as soon as possible. Your vet can quickly determine the cause of the bloody stool with diagnostic tests.

Blood in Dog Stool: Home Remedies

Seeking veterinary help if your dog is pooping blood is important. However, you can also use home remedies to promote healing. Here’s a list of common remedies that may help if your dog is experiencing blood in their stool:

Dietary Changes

Switching to a bland diet may help alleviate digestive upset and promote healing. So, feed your dog boiled chicken and rice or ground beef and rice for a while.


Probiotics can help restore the balance of good bacteria in the gut, which may be disrupted by illness or antibiotics. Yogurt or probiotic supplements designed for dogs can be beneficial.


Canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling) can help regulate bowel movements and reduce inflammation in the gut.

Bone Broth

Bone broth is a nutrient-rich source of hydration and can help soothe your dog’s irritated digestive system. Just ensure it doesn’t contain onions, garlic, or other toxic ingredients.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea has anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce inflammation in your dog’s digestive tract. Allow the tea to cool before offering it to your dog.

Note: While these remedies can help manage your dog’s symptoms, they shouldn’t replace veterinary care and they can’t treat blood in dog poop caused by serious underlying conditions.


What Does it Mean When a Dog Poops Out Blood?

Blood in a dog’s poop can indicate several underlying health issues, including bacterial infections, intestinal parasites, dietary issues, inflammatory bowel disease, kidney failure, cancer, etc. It’s important to seek veterinary help to determine the cause.

Is Blood in Dog Poop Serious?

Blood in a dog’s stool is a serious issue requiring veterinary help. It can signify underlying serious conditions that must be addressed promptly to prevent further complications.

Why is My Dog’s Poop Slimy and Bloody?

Slimy and bloody stool in dogs can indicate issues in the digestive tract, such as inflammation, infections, or food allergies. A vet should evaluate your pet and provide treatment accordingly.

How Long Does it Take for a Dog to Recover From Bloody Diarrhea?

The recovery time depends on the underlying cause. Treatment can involve medication, dietary changes, and other interventions, and the canine can recover within a few days to several weeks.

Can a Dog Poop Blood From Stress?

Stress can cause digestive issues in dogs, such as diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, etc. Sometimes, prolonged stress can cause gastrointestinal bleeding, resulting in a bloody stool. So, reduce stress levels in your puppy and seek veterinary help if they experience digestive issues.

Can Dog Food Cause Bloody Diarrhea?

Low-quality or contaminated dog food can cause digestive issues, including bloody dog poop. Dogs can also have food allergies or intolerances that cause stomach issues and even severe bloody diarrhea.

Feed your dog high-quality, balanced food and monitor their stool for signs of digestive issues. If you suspect your dog’s food is causing diarrhea and GI tract upset, visit your vet for a checkup and ask for new food recommendations.

Blood in Dog Stool: Conclusion

Finding blood in your dog’s poop can be stressful and indicate underlying health problems, but don’t worry. As soon as you react on time, your canine will likely be fine.

As a responsible dog owner, even if your dog’s acting normal, you should always monitor their bowel movements and seek veterinary intervention if you notice any abnormalities.

So, keep a close eye on your furry friend, and don’t hesitate to visit the vet if you see a change in their toilet habits.

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