Dog Sneezing A Lot? Discover the Reasons and Identify the Common Causes

dog sneezing a lot

Sneezing in canines is a common occurrence and may be caused by a variety of reasons.

If your dog sneezes once in a while, it is normal, excessive sneezing can be a sign of an underlying issue. In this article, we will explore the various reasons why dogs sneeze a lot.


Did you know that dogs can have allergies just like humans?

It’s true!

Allergies in dogs can cause your dog to sneeze a lot, and they can be allergic to things like pollen, dust, and mold.

If your dog’s sneezing more than usual, it’s possible that they are experiencing an allergic reaction.

Common signs of allergies in dogs also include scratching, licking, and biting their skin.

Dog owners should also make sure that the dog foods that they’re feeding do not affect dogs in any way.

Food allergies can cause watery eyes and additional symptoms.

If you suspect that your dog has allergies, it’s best to bring them to the vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Don’t worry, allergies in dogs are treatable, and your pup will be feeling better in no time!


Have you ever noticed your dog sneezing a lot when you take them for a walk in the city?

It’s possible that they’re reacting to environmental irritants like pollution and smoke.

This can cause multiple allergies in dogs including allergies in dogs’ eyes and noses.

Dogs have a much stronger sense of smell than humans, so these types of irritants can be overwhelming for them.

Your dog’s nose can be runny if it’s allergic to anything in the surrounding.

Similarly, strong scents like perfume or cleaning products can also cause excessive sneezing.

If you’ve recently used a new cleaning product or air freshener and notice your dog sneezing more than usual, it’s worth considering if the new scent is the culprit.


Infections can be a common cause of excessive sneezing in dogs. Just like us, humans, dogs can also contract bacterial, viral, or fungal infections that can affect their respiratory system.

These infections can cause symptoms such as a runny dog’s nose, coughing, and of course, excessive sneezing.

If your dog’s sneezing excessively for, a few days it’s essential to pay attention to your behavior and take them to the vet if you suspect they have an infection.

Depending on the type of infection, treatment for infections can include antibiotics, antivirals, or antifungal medications. With proper treatment, your pet’s runny nose should return to its happy, sneeze-free self in no time.


Sometimes dogs can get curious and stick their noses where they shouldn’t.

This can lead to foreign objects getting stuck in their nasal passages, causing them to sneeze a lot as they try to dislodge them.

Some dogs start sneezing blood when a foreign body gets stuck in their noses.

Grass, dirt, and seeds are common culprits, but they can be anything that is small enough to fit in their nostrils.

If you suspect that your dog has something stuck in their nose, it’s important to bring them to the vet.

Otherwise, this can result in frequent sneezing, nasal tumors, nasal infections in the nasal cavity, and nose bleeds.

Attempting to remove the object yourself can potentially cause more harm than good resulting in nasal infection.

Your vet can safely remove the object and ensure that your dog’s nasal passages are clear.


Did you know that dental issues can cause your dog to sneeze a lot? It might sound strange, but it’s true!

When dogs have dental problems such as an abscessed tooth, the infection can spread to their nasal passages, leading to sneezing and nasal discharge.

That’s why it’s important to take care of your dog’s dental health by regularly brushing their teeth and bringing them to the vet for dental cleanings.

If you notice your dog sneezing excessively and also exhibiting signs of dental problems such as bad breath or difficulty eating, it’s time to schedule a dental checkup for them.


Nasal Polyps are non-cancerous growths that can develop in the nasal passages of dogs, causing them to sneeze excessively and even have difficulty breathing.

It’s not a common issue, but it’s something to be aware of if your dog is sneezing a lot.

Nasal polyps can be caused by inflammation or dog’s allergies and can often be treated with medication.

However, in some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the polyps.

If you notice your dog is sneezing more than usual and seems to be having trouble breathing, it’s important to take them to the vet for a check-up.


Dogs have a much stronger sense of smell than humans, so strong scents can be overwhelming for them. Inhaled irritants like smoke, chemicals, or even perfumes can cause your dog to sneeze a lot.

So, if you recently painted your house or used a new air freshener, it’s possible that this is the cause of your dog’s excessive sneezing.

Try to limit your dog’s exposure to these irritants and see if their sneezing improves.


A reverse sneeze is a common condition in dogs that can be triggered by irritants or excitement.

This is also triggered by seasonal allergies.

It can also happen when your dog is pulling against their collar, so it’s important to ensure that its collar fits properly.

If your dog experiences reverse sneezing, try to calm them down and gently massage its throat to help ease its breathing.

In some cases, it can help to cover their nostrils with your hand for a few seconds to encourage them to swallow and clear their airways.


If your dog has been spending time with other dogs recently, you might have noticed them sneezing a lot.

Multiple dog breeds can have it.

It could be that they have contracted kennel cough, a highly contagious respiratory infection that spreads easily in places where dogs congregate, such as kennels or dog parks.

Kennel cough can cause your dog to have a persistent cough and uncontrollable sneezing and can also make a dog’s immune system sensitive.

It’s important to bring your dog to the vet as soon as possible if you suspect they have kennel cough.

Treatment may involve antibiotics, cough suppressants, or other medications depending on the severity of the infection.

Prevention is key when it comes to kennel cough. If left untreated, it can even lead to bloody nasal discharge.

Make sure your dog’s vaccines are up-to-date and avoid bringing them to areas where they may be exposed to other dogs who may be infected.

Remember, even if your dog seems healthy, it could still be a carrier of kennel cough and pass it on to other dogs.


If your furry friend has recently had a dental cleaning, it’s normal for them to sneeze a lot afterward.

This is because the cleaning can cause some irritation in their nasal passages, making them want to sneeze.

While it might seem a bit strange to see your dog sneeze a lot after a dental cleaning, it’s actually a good sign that the cleaning was effective.

Just make sure to keep an eye on your dog to ensure that they’re not experiencing any other symptoms after their cleaning.


It’s important to note that tumors in the nasal passages or sinuses of dogs are rare, but they can cause excessive sneezing.

If you notice your dog starts sneezing more than usual and also exhibiting other symptoms such as bloody discharge or noisy breathing, it’s important to bring them to the vet immediately.

The vet can perform diagnostic tests to determine if a tumor is the cause of your dog’s excessive sneezing.

Your vet can work with you to determine the best course of action for your furry friend.


Sometimes, medications can cause your dog to sneeze as a side effect. Just like humans, dogs can have reactions to certain medications.

If you suspect that your dog’s medication is causing excessive sneezing, it’s important to talk to your vet. They may be able to switch your dog to a different medication or adjust the dosage to alleviate the sneezing.


So there you have it, folks! Dogs sneezing a lot can be caused by a variety of factors, from allergies to infections and dental issues. If your furry friend is sneezing excessively, it’s always best to consult with your veterinarian to ensure they receive proper care and treatment.

Read more to find out why your dog could be sneezing.


What can I give my dog for excessive sneezing?

It’s important to first determine the underlying cause of your dog’s excessive sneezing. Your veterinarian can recommend appropriate treatment, which may include medications or other interventions depending on the cause.

Why would a dog start sneezing a lot?

Dogs may start sneezing a lot due to a variety of reasons, such as allergies, infections, dental issues, foreign objects in their nasal passages, or even environmental irritants like smoke or strong scents.

How do I know if my dog has nasal mites?

If your dog has nasal mites, it may exhibit symptoms such as nasal discharge, sneezing, coughing, and breathing difficulties. A veterinarian can diagnose and treat nasal mites.

Do dogs sneeze when they are sick?

Yes, dogs can sneeze when they are sick. Sneezing can be a sign of respiratory infections or other illnesses, so it’s important to monitor your dog’s symptoms and seek veterinary care if necessary.

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