5 Fire Safety Tips For Your Dog To Keep Your Pup Extra Safe!

Fire Safety Tips For Your Dog

Most dog owners typically don’t consider fire safety measures a top priority when ensuring the safety of their puppy.

Right? Bet you didn’t really either…

But trust us, it’s really worth something to think about. And to prove it, we can just throw some stats at you.

Like how hundreds of thousands of pets may be affected by domestic fires, whether it be injury, sickness or more tragic losses. Or that pets could be the cause of thousands of fires in the US.

Stats don’t lie, right?

But stats don’t really speak to you do they? They’re just numbers. And after all it’s always hard to imagine such things happening to yourself.

But why take the chance? Forget numbers. Why even take the risk of your precious pup getting hurt or worse in a fire?

Especially when you can do some simple things to help avoid any such eventuality.

Here are just 5 simple things you can do to improve domestic fire safety for your dog as well…

5 Fire Safety Tips For Your Dog You Can Easily Implement At Home

We all know there isn’t really enough anyone can do to take precautions against a fire risk. But here are some very basic fire safety tips for your dog that you can follow easily at home…

1. Don’t Neglect Supervision When There’s a Fire Risk

What do we mean by fire risks?

Like for instance, if you use candles at home, or your dog can reach the stove in the kitchen. And it needn’t even be at home!

On camping trips, don’t let your pup hang around the bonfire unattended. Simple precautions like these could be the difference between a regular day and a tragic one.

2. Keep Fire Hazards in Mind While Puppy Proofing Your House

When puppy-proofing the house, we usually think of the objects our puppy can get to and destroy as he goofs around the house. We never really think from a fire safety perspective, do we?

So start thinking from that angle too. Like:

  • Either lock or keep the kitchen off limits when you’re not around, or remove the stove knobs so your pup can’t accidently switch it on.
  • Be mindful of electronic or electrical stuff in reach of your dog. While he might not directly be able to cause a fire through these, if he damages cables or wires, there could be a risk of a short circuit.

3. Have An Evacuation Kit Ready

This is a very simple, but potentially lifesaving step. What would go in an emergency evacuation kit?

  1. First aid material, of course.
  2. Any other medication your dog may be prescribed at the moment
  3. Spare leash and collar
  4. Any other things your dog might need in case you have to leave the house for a bit

Also, it’s always a good idea to keep your dog on a collar at all times, and keep a leash ready by the exits.

4. Protect Your Dog’s Kennel

Making sure you know all the spots your puppy hangs out in is crucial in case of an emergency. Also, make sure all these spots are fireproof areas, or at least relatively safer and accessible places.

If your puppy normally sleeps in a kennel or crate, extra coatings of flame-retardant paint can buy you precious time, and give extra protection to your puppy if needed.

5. Use Fire Alert Window Decals

This is one of the fire safety tips for your dog that you absolutely must do without fail, as a pet owner. There’s obviously no guarantee that everyone, including your dog, will escape right away in case of a fire.

Often in such situations, someone or the other might end up needing rescuing by fire-fighters or other first responders. In such a frantic situation, it’s always better that those guys get to know right away that your house has a pet(s).

Put a cling-on or decal on your windows or doors that explicitly makes this clear, so the first responders can act immediately.

Hope you found these fire safety tips specially aimed at keeping pets safe insightful and make use of them! If you have any other tips or suggestions of your own, do let us know in the comments section below!

Featured image by instagram.com//therealhankandbeefy

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