For How Long Are Dogs Pregnant?


A common inquiry among numerous enthusiasts of canines, fondly known as “man’s best friend,” pertains to “how long does a dog’s pregnancy last?” This question frequently surfaces during one of the most exciting times for a dog owner, which is when their devoted furry companion is pregnant.

The answer to this question is that dogs are pregnant for approximately 63 days or roughly 9 weeks. This is known as the gestation period, and it can vary slightly depending on the specific breed of dog.

For example, a smaller breed, such as a Chihuahua, may have a shorter gestation period of around 58-63 days, while a larger breed, such as a Great Dane, may have a slightly longer gestation period of around 66-72 days.

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Care During the Dog’s Gestation Period

During the gestation period, it’s essential to take good care of your pregnant dog.

This includes providing her with a healthy and balanced diet and ensuring she gets plenty of exercise and rest.

It’s also essential to ensure that your dog is up-to-date on her vaccinations and that she is free of any parasites or other health issues.

As the due date approaches, it’s essential to prepare for the arrival of the puppies. This includes setting up a comfortable and safe whelping area and gathering necessary supplies such as puppy formula, towels, and a heating pad.

It’s also important to be prepared for any complications that may arise during the birthing process. This includes knowing the signs of dystocia, when the puppies become stuck in the birth canal, and knowing how to assist your dog during the delivery properly.

If you are unsure about any of this, it’s best to consult with your veterinarian.

How Many Puppies Can a Dog Have?

Smaller breeds typically have litters of 1-4 puppies, while larger breeds can have litters of 6-10 puppies.

The number of puppies a dog can have in a litter can vary greatly depending on several factors such as breed, age, health, genetics, and environmental factors.

Let’s discuss all these factors in detail.


The most crucial factor determining the number of puppies a dog can have is the breed of the dog. Smaller dog breeds, such as Cavoodles and Yorkies, typically have litters of 1-4 pups, while larger canine breeds, such as Great Danes and Saint Bernards, can have litters of 6-10 puppies.


Another critical factor affecting the number of puppies in a litter is the dog’s age. Younger dogs tend to have smaller litters, while older dogs tend to have larger litters.

Additionally, dogs in good health tend to have larger litters than dogs with health problems.


The size of the litter can also be affected by the parents’ genetics. Some dogs can produce larger litters than others, while others may be prone to have smaller litters.

Environmental factors

Environmental factors, such as nutrition and stress, can also influence the number of puppies a pooch can have in a litter.

Dogs that are well-fed and well-cared for tend to have larger litters than those that are malnourished or live in stressful conditions.

Additional information: It’s important to note that the litter size can also vary from litter to litter.

A dog can have a small litter one time and a large one the next time; this is why it’s essential to consult with your veterinarian to estimate the number of puppies you can expect.

How Can I Prepare for My Dog to Give Birth?

Here are a few steps you can take to prepare for your dog giving birth:

  • Make sure your dog is up-to-date on all vaccinations and check-ups.
  • Create a comfortable, quiet, and secluded area in your home where your dog can give birth and recover.
  • Keep a supply of clean towels, newspapers, and a heating pad on hand.
  • Learn how to recognize the signs of labor and delivery and when to contact your veterinarian for assistance.
  • Have a plan in place for caring for the puppies once they are born. This may include finding homes for them or making arrangements for their veterinary care.
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Stages of Dog Pregnancy

It is also essential to consult with the vet before birth to ensure that the dog is healthy and the birth goes smoothly.

The stages of dog pregnancy can be broken down into four main phases:

  • Proestrus: This is the initial pregnancy stage, which lasts about 9 days. During this time, the dog’s vulva will swell, and she may have a bloody discharge. However, she will not be receptive to breeding during this stage.
  • Estrus: This is the fertile pregnancy stage, which lasts about 5-9 days. During this time, the dog will be receptive to breeding and will ovulate.
  • Diestrus: This is the stage of pregnancy where the fertilized egg implants itself in the uterus and begins to develop. This stage lasts for about 60-65 days.
  • Pregnancy: This is the final stage of pregnancy, lasting about 58-65 days. During this time, the puppies will continue to develop and grow inside the uterus until they are ready to be born.

It’s important to note that these stages may vary depending on the breed and size of the dog. And also, it’s essential to consult with the vet to know more about the pregnancy and take the best care of the mom-to-be.

A better understanding of the dog estrous cycle also help you in understanding the question: how long are dogs pregnant for?

But What About False Pregnancy? Is There Anything Like That in Dogs?

Yes, false pregnancy can happen in dogs.

False pregnancy, also known as pseudopregnancy, is a condition in which a non-pregnant female dogs displays signs of pregnancy without actually being pregnant.

The condition is caused by hormonal changes in the dog’s body, which a variety of factors, such as a recent heat cycle, a hormonal imbalance, or a psychological condition, can trigger.

The signs of false pregnancy in dogs can include changes in behavior, such as nesting, increased affection, and a decreased dog’s appetite.

Physical changes such as mammary gland enlargement, milk production, and abdominal swelling can also occur.

False pregnancy in dogs is most common in middle-aged to older females that have had several heat cycles, but it can occur in any female dog.

Some breeds, such as the Bichon Frise, the Boston Terrier, and the Boxer, are more prone to develop this condition.

Treating false pregnancy in dogs typically involves managing the symptoms and addressing underlying causes.

In some cases, medication may be prescribed to help regulate the dog’s hormones and reduce the signs of false pregnancy.

It’s important to note that false pregnancy is not dangerous, but it can be distressing for both the owner and dog (particularly dog’s abdomen).

If you suspect your dog has a false pregnancy, it’s best to consult with your veterinarian to determine the cause and the best course of treatment.

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Common Pregnancy Testing Procedures in Dogs

Several pregnancy testing procedures can be used to determine if a dog is pregnant. The most common methods include the following:

  • Ultrasound: An ultrasound is a non-invasive procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of the adult dog’s reproductive tract. It can be used to detect a pregnancy as early as 21-28 days after breeding.
  • Blood test: A blood test can detect the presence of a hormone called relaxin, produced by the placenta during pregnancy. This test can be used to confirm a pregnancy as early as 28 days after breeding.
  • X-ray: An x-ray can be used to detect pregnancy by identifying the presence of fetal skeletons. This method is typically used later in the pregnancy, around 45-55 days after breeding.
  • Vaginal smear: A vaginal smear can detect the progesterone hormone’s presence, which increases during pregnancy. This test is usually performed between days 21-28 after breeding.

It’s important to note that these tests are not always 100% accurate, and a false negative result is possible, especially early in pregnancy. Therefore, it’s recommended to repeat the test after a week or so.


We hope this article answers all the questions related to dog pregnancy, such as how long is the gestation period for a dog? Or how long is a dog pregnant for?

Usually, dogs are pregnant for approximately 63 days or 9 weeks, although it can vary slightly depending on the specific breed of dog.

It’s essential to take good care of your pregnant adult dogs during this time and to be prepared for the arrival of the puppies. If you have any concerns or questions about your dog’s pregnancy, it’s best to consult with your veterinarian.

FAQs About How Long Are Dogs Pregnant

Can You Determine When a Dog Is Going to Give Birth?

Yes, a dog’s due date can be estimated by counting 63 days from the date of breeding or mating.

What Are the Signs of a Dog Giving Birth?

The signs include nesting behavior, restlessness, loss of appetite, and a drop in body temperature.

Is There Any Variation in the Duration of a Dog’s Pregnancy?

Yes, the duration can vary from 57 to 69 days.

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