5 Highly Effective But Simple Steps To Teach Your Dog To Use A Doggy Door

Trainyourdogtouseadoggydoor 1

Welcoming a new puppy into your home is consistently a thrilling occasion for your family. And truly, who wouldn’t feel that way? It’s undeniable that these adorable and cuddly little creatures, not only introduce fresh vibrancy and warmth, but as they mature into full-grown dogs, there’s an anticipation for them to adapt their behavior appropriately.

The first time puppy/dog owners’ dilemma is like “How to train your dog to pee outside? My dog urinated on my brand new carpet last night!”

Why? Because doors are locked and your dog doesn’t have a choice but to spray ’till kingdom come in your brand new carpet…

So, having a doggy door won’t hurt your pocket compared to the woes of cleaning your carpet.

You can check out this article to find the best dog door for your dog.

Sad to say, one of four dogs that are put to a shelter by their owners have unsettling housebreaking issues. And we don’t want that to happen.

Don’t worry, we have it all covered.

Importance of Doggy Doors

  • If all the households are quite busy (Ex. School and work) and will come late, then the doggy door will come in handy for your dog to check trespassers.
  • Having a doggy door will give your dog the freedom to play outside any time.
  • Your dog can pee and poop outside freely(with proper training).
  • Your dog will never get bored, avoiding havoc inside your home.
  • If there’s a fire accident, your pooch can easily get out.

Dimensional Doggy Psychological Tactics

These tricks are not cranky; in fact, it is backed up by science and it is called classical conditioning.

Let’s be honest, the classical conditioning SOUNDS GOOD for you right? It’s like…

Friend A: Hey! How did you get your dog use a dog door so fast?

You: Classical conditioning, baby! Classical conditioning!

Goodness gracious, what are you talking about? We haven’t even scratched the surface here.

Now, let me tell you a story about Ivan Pavlov and the positive effects of his studies that are essential on how to train a dog to use a doggy door properly (just incorporate the logic of his studies).

From 1891 through 1900, Pavlov studied the digestive process in dogs, particularly salivation and its role in assisting digestion.

Pavlov realized that without salivation, the stomach can’t receive a signal to start digestion. And when the dog starts to salivate, they became more attentive which is essential during training.

Pavlov then attempted if he could start salivation training without food.

To do this, he rang a bell every time he gives food.

Eventually, he just rang the bell and stopped giving food. His dogs begun to salivate even though there is no food present.

Pavlov then published these results in 1903, calling the response a conditioned reflex.

Check this article teaching dog to ask to go out if you want to learn more tips and advice.

5 Simple Steps on How to Teach a Dog to Use a Dog Door and Pee Outside

Training your dog to use dog door shouldn’t take too long, they can often learn the same day. But let’s be honest here, some dog breeds have an innate high aptitude for training and some are indolent.

Always remember, the average training attention of dog has been only 10 minutes. So, training your dog to use a dog door should be short, precise and make your training fun as possible.

Your dog usually gets excited after meals and you have about 2-3 attempts to play fetch near the doggy door before he does his thing.

1. Step one

Play Fetch using a ball or his favorite dog toy and lure your dog in front of the doggy door flap’s open to let him know he can go out anytime he wants. Make your dog comfortable and acquainted with it while you play and don’t forget to give him his dog treats.

2. Step Two

Remember, you only have about 2-3 attempts before your dog want to pee or poop. Now, throw the ball in front of the dog door (flap’s open).

3. Step Three

Put a trail of dog treats two feet leading to the doggy door to entice him. If your dog eats all the treats, pat him on the head gently and praise him “Yes”.

4. Step Four

Now, go to the other side of the doggy door and lure your dog with treats. Your dog will usually shake his body, smell the door and hesitate.

5. Step Five

This time, your dog must be aching pee. So, put a trail of dog treats from inside going out to entice your dog go through the doggy door.

Call him “Here boy” or “Come” command making him pass through the doggy door or you can push him gently through the door, allowing him to pee in his favorite spot outside.


How to train your dog to pee outside should start after his meals by observing his natural processes and tendencies. If you have a pen, try to:

  • Take note of his gestures (ex. Circling around, scratching the floor, and other signs).
  • After meals, record the time interval before your pooch aches to pee and poop.

Dog behavior may vary from one breed to another that’s why you must know how to read their body langue as it is the window of their emotions.

These body languages will let you know if your dog is sad, happy, frustrated, wants’ to play or aggressive.

These markers will guide your daily doggy training. Whether you train them how to use a dog door, train them on how to stay, how to train your dog to pee outside or any other training that is essentials for your dog and for your household.

We hope that these 5 helpful step-by-step on how to make your dog pee outside will make a difference in your training. If you have any other fun tricks up your sleeve, do comment in the section below!

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