8 Simple and Effective Ways How to Get a Puppy to Stop Barking

how to get a puppy to stop barking

Barking is an innate characteristic of dogs. It acts as their way of communicating with their fellow canines and the larger world around them.

Some breeds bark more than others, and some puppy barks excessively due to various reasons.

However, when the barking behavior becomes excessive, it can be a nuisance to both the dog owner and neighbors. Fortunately, there are several ways to train your dog to stop barking.

In this article, we’ll answer the question, “Why does my dog bark so much?”, and explore the eight simple ways to help your dog, how to get a puppy to stop barking, and how to train your puppy to not bark.

Why Won’t My Dog Stop Barking?

Dogs, especially puppies, bark for various reasons such as communication, attention-seeking, boredom, anxiety, fear, and territorialism.

It’s a natural behavior for them to express their needs or feelings.

For instance, if your dog or pup is bored or lacks exercise, they may bark excessively as a way of releasing pent-up energy. Similarly, if your dog is anxious or fearful, a dog or pup barks, or a puppy’s barking alerts you or signals that they’re uncomfortable with their surroundings.

Furthermore, some breeds are more prone to barking due to their genetic makeup, such as watchdog breeds like German Shepherds or Beagles.

It’s essential to identify the underlying reason for your dog’s barking behavior and address it accordingly through training, exercise, socialization, and positive reinforcement.

8 Simple and Effective Tips to Stop Puppy Barking:

Puppies are adorable, playful, and curious creatures, but they can also be quite noisy. Excessive dog barking is a common problem among puppies, and it can be frustrating for new pet owners.

Here are 8 helpful tips that may help reduce your puppy’s barking:

1. Determine Why Your Dog Barks

To stop your dog from barking excessively, you need to understand why it barks in the first place.

Some common reasons why dogs bark includes:

  • boredom,
  • separation anxiety,
  • feeling threatened, or
  • alerting their pet parents to potential danger.

Certain breeds, such as terriers, are also known to bark more than others due to their hunting instincts.

2. Provide Physical and Mental Stimulation

A tired dog is a happy dog.

Exercising your dog regularly not only reduces boredom but also provides physical and mental stimulation, which can help reduce barking.

Physical exercise can include activities such as:

  • walking,
  • running,
  • playing fetch,
  • agility courses or obstacle courses, and
  • playing with other dogs at a dog park.

While mental exercise can include activities such as:

  • puzzle toys,
  • scent training,
  • obedience training,
  • playing hide-and-seek with treats
  • going on a car ride or exploring new places.

Providing regular exercise for your dog not only helps to keep them physically and mentally healthy, but it can also reduce problem behaviors such as excessive barking, destructive chewing, and hyperactivity.

By incorporating a variety of physical and mental exercises into your dog’s routine, you can help ensure that they stay happy, healthy, and fulfilled.

Remember, a happy and tired dog is = a happy pet parent!

3. Provide Adequate Attention and Comfort

Dogs bark to communicate with their owners. Sometimes, excessive barking can be a sign that your dog needs more attention or comfort.

Spend time with your dog, play with them, pet them, and provide them with love and comfort. Also, make sure your dog has a comfortable place to sleep and enough food and water.

4. Teach Your Dog the “Quiet” Command

Training your dog with the “quiet” command can be an effective way to stop excessive barking.

Start by training your dog to bark on command. Once your dog barks, say “quiet” and reward it with a treat when it stops barking. Repeat this process several times, gradually increasing the time between the “quiet” command and the treat.

With time and consistency, your dog will learn to stop barking when it hears the “quiet” command.

5. Use Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for dog training. When your dog stops barking, reward it with a high-value treat, such as a piece of chicken or cheese.

Make sure to reward your dog immediately after it stops barking to reinforce the behavior.

Over time, your dog will learn that stopping barking results in a reward, and it will be more likely to stop barking.

6. Ignore Excessive Barking Behavior

Sometimes, ignoring excessive barking can be an effective way to stop the behavior.

When your dog starts to start barking very excessively, simply ignore it. Do not yell at it or provide it with attention. Once your dog stops barking, reward it with a treat or attention.

With time and consistency, your dog will learn that excessive barking does not result in attention, and it will be less likely to bark excessively.

7. Use White Noise or Ambient Noise

Sometimes, barking can be triggered by external noises, such as other dogs or cars.

Using white noise or ambient noise can help drown out these triggers, reducing the likelihood of barking.

You can use a white noise machine, play music, or leave the television on to provide a constant source of noise that can help calm your dog.

8. Use Crate Training

Crate training can be an effective way to reduce barking. Dogs naturally seek out small, enclosed spaces to rest and sleep, and a crate can provide a safe and comfortable space for your dog.

Begin by introducing your dog to the crate gradually, providing positive reinforcement for calm and relaxed behavior around the crate.

You can toss your dog treats back into the crate and give your dog praise when they enter the crate voluntarily.

Make sure that the crate is large enough for your dog to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably, but not so large that they have enough space to use one end as a bathroom.

How to Get a Puppy to Stop Barking + More Tips

Training a puppy not to bark is an important part of its overall training and development. Puppies often bark out of excitement, fear, or boredom, and it’s important to teach them when it is and isn’t appropriate to bark.

Here are more tips to help your dog how to stop a puppy from barking excessively:

Create a quiet space for your pup.

It’s important to make sure the designated area is comfortable and has familiar items, such as their bed and toys, to make them feel secure.

Additionally, it’s helpful to gradually increase the amount of time your puppy spends in the designated area to get them used to being alone and reduce separation anxiety.

This can be a designated area where they can go to relax and rest without any distractions. This can help your puppy feel calmer and less likely to bark.

Socialization is also key.

Socialization is a crucial part of puppy training, and it’s important for most dogs to start early.

Take your puppy to different places such as parks, pet stores, and around other dogs to help them become familiar with different environments and situations.

You can also invite people over to your home to interact with your puppy and help them get used to meeting new people.

Remember to always supervise your puppy during socialization to ensure their safety and comfort. A well-socialized puppy is less likely to bark excessively.


Consistency and repetition are crucial when it comes to training your puppy not to bark excessively.

Ensure that every member of your household understands and implements the same training methods and commands to avoid confusing your puppy.

Additionally, make sure to practice training sessions regularly to reinforce good behavior and prevent your new puppy ever from reverting to old habits.

Remember to be patient and consistent with your training, as it may take time for your puppy to fully learn and follow commands.


In conclusion, training how to stop a puppy from barking or not to bark requires patience, consistency, and understanding.

Remember, excessive barking can be a nuisance and even a problem, but it’s important to address it early on.

By using these tips consistently and being patient, you can help your puppy develop good behavior habits and become a well-behaved companion.

If you’re unsure about the cause of your dog’s barking, it’s always best to consult with a veterinarian or a professional dog trainer.


How can I stop a puppy from barking?

To stop your puppy from barking, you can try several things such as:

  • teaching them the “quiet” command,
  • providing them with chew toys and treats,
  • training them using positive reinforcement,
  • giving them enough physical and mental exercise, and
  • minimizing their exposure to triggers that cause barking.

Why does my puppy bark so much?

Puppies bark for various reasons such as boredom, anxiety, fear, excitement, or to communicate with their owners.

They may also bark excessively when they want attention or when they are in pain or discomfort.

Identifying the underlying reason for the barking is crucial in addressing the dog behavior itself.

Do puppies go through a barking phase?

Yes, puppies go through a barking phase. It is a normal part of their development as they learn to communicate and explore their environment.

However, excessive and persistent barking should be addressed to prevent it from becoming a long-term behavior.

Should I discipline my puppy for barking?

It is not recommended to discipline your puppy for barking as it can create fear and anxiety in them.

Use positive reinforcement to teach them the desired behavior and discourage excessive barking.

Consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are key to training your puppy.

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