How to Keep Dogs Off Couch: Tried and Tested Methods for a Spotless Sofa!

how to keep dogs off couch

Dogs, beloved companions in many homes, frequently frustrate their humans by constantly jumping onto the couch. So, how do you stop your dogs from climbing on the sofa?

Not only can it lead to unwanted behavior, but it can also lead to dog hair on furniture and other pieces of furniture.

Fortunately, there are several methods for keeping dogs off the couch, from positive reinforcement to physical barriers.

In this article, we’ll explore 20 different ways how to keep dogs off couch, some tips and tricks, and more!

Read on!

How to Keep Dogs off Couch?

Are you constantly battling with your dog to keep them off the couch?

Keeping dogs off the couch is a challenge that countless dog owners face.

It can be quite frustrating when you find yourself in a never-ending battle, constantly shooing your furry friend away from the couch.

But fret not! There are indeed several effective strategies on how to keep your dog off the couch and other furniture.

Here are 10 different ways to keep your pup off the couch:

1. Introduce a Comfy Alternative: Dog bed

Many dogs prefer a comfortable dog bed over a couch, and this is where pet parents can take advantage of this fact.

You can keep your dog off the couch by introducing them to a cozy dog bed.

Place the bed in a spot where they like to lounge, such as near a window or in the living room. Encourage your dog to use it by adding their favorite toys or treats.

2. Train Your Dog to Use Their Own Bed

Here’s another brilliant technique: train your dog to use their very own bed! It’s a simple yet effective way to keep them away from the couch.

Positive reinforcement is the key here. Whenever your dog chooses to lounge on their bed instead of the couch, shower them with praise and rewards.

A tasty treat or some kind words will do the trick. With consistent training and a little bit of patience, your clever canine will start to associate their bed as their personal relaxation spot.

It’s like creating a cozy retreat just for them!

Looking for a cozy bed for your puppy? Check out this blog: Indulge Your Pup in Style: Discover the 10 Best Luxury Dog Beds of the Year!

3. Seek Help from a Professional Dog Trainer

If you’re finding it a bit tricky to keep your dog away from the couch, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional dog trainer for some expert guidance.

A dog trainer can be a real game-changer.

They’ll work closely with you to create a customized training plan that’s tailored specifically to your dog’s behavior and unique quirks.

By taking into account your pup or older dog’s preferences, they’ll help you find the most effective strategies to keep them off the couch.

One of the awesome things about professional trainers is that they’re well-versed in positive reinforcement techniques.

They’ll show you how to use rewards, like treats or enthusiastic praise, to reinforce good behavior.

It’s all about creating a positive association that encourages your dog to make the right choices.

4. Use a Physical Barrier: Baby Gate

A physical barrier such as a baby gate can be an effective way to keep your dog off the couch.

Simply position the gate strategically, either right in front of the couch or in the doorway leading to the room where the couch resides.

This way, you create a physical barrier that prevents your furry friend from hopping onto the couch.

The best part?

They can still roam around freely in the rest of the house without feeling too confined.

5. Make Use of Empty Laundry Baskets

Another interesting idea to keep your dog off the couch is to empty laundry baskets. It might sound a bit unconventional, but certainly, it works like a charm!

All you need to do is strategically place empty laundry baskets on the couch.

The uneven surface and awkward angles make it quite uncomfortable for your dog to jump up and settle down on the cushions.

It’s a clever way to create a deterrent without resorting to anything harsh or restrictive.

6. Consider Crate Training for Dogs

Crate training can also be an effective way how to keep dogs off the couch too.

When you’re not home, place your dog in their crate with their favorite toys and treats. This not only prevents them from jumping on the couch, but it also keeps them safe and secure.

7. Designate a Separate Room for Your Dog

Designating a separate room for your dog can also be an effective way to keep them off the couch.

This room can be furnished with their own bed, toys, and a water bowl. This gives your dog their own space to relax and reduces the temptation to jump on the couch.

8. Use Positive Reinforcement to Encourage Good Behavior

Positive reinforcement is a training method that rewards good behavior with treats, verbal praise, or physical affection.

When your dog avoids jumping on the couch, reward them with a treat or verbal praise. This encourages them to repeat the behavior in the future.

9. Keep Dogs Off Furniture with a Scat Mat

A scat mat is a device that uses static electricity to discourage dogs from jumping on furniture.

When your dog touches the mat, they receive a small shock that is harmless but unpleasant.

Over time, your dog will learn to associate the couch with an uncomfortable experience and avoid it.

10. Block Access to the Couch

If your dog is having trouble staying off the couch, consider blocking access to it.

This can be achieved by rearranging other furniture or using baby gates to restrict access to the room where the couch is located.

Blocking access to the couch will help prevent unwanted behavior and protect your furniture.

11. Invest in a Couch Defender

A couch defender is a product that is designed to protect your couch from pet hair and scratches while keeping your dog off the furniture.

It’s essentially a slipcover that attaches to your couch and features a raised edge to prevent your dog from jumping on the couch.

This is a great option for pet parents who want to keep their dogs off the couch without having to rearrange furniture or use physical barriers.

12. Train Your Dog to Sit on Command

Teaching your dog to sit on command is an essential skill for keeping them off the couch.

When your dog tries to jump on the couch, give them the “sit” command and reward them when they obey. This not only reinforces good behavior but also redirects their attention away from the couch.

Want to learn how to teach your puppy basic commands? Read this blog: Teach Your Puppy These 5 Basic Cues.

13. Use a Treat Dispenser Toy to Keep Your Dog Busy

Keeping your dog busy with a treat dispenser toy is another effective way to keep them off the couch.

These toys dispense treats as your dog plays with them, keeping them entertained and distracted from the couch.

14. Spend Quality Time with Your Dog

Dogs crave attention and affection from their owners, and spending quality time with them can help reduce the desire to jump on the couch.

Play with your dog, take them for walks, and give them plenty of cuddles to show them that they are loved and valued.

15. Consider a Pet-Friendly Fabric for Your Couch

If you can’t keep your dog off the couch, consider using a pet-friendly fabric for your couch.

This will make it easier to clean up pet hair and other messes on a piece of furniture. Leather and microfiber are good options for pet-friendly furniture.

16. Use Aluminum Foil to Deter Your Dog

Dogs dislike the sound and texture of aluminum foil, making it an effective deterrent for keeping them off the couch.

Place sheets of aluminum foil on the couch when you’re not home to discourage your dog from jumping up.

17. Keep Your Dog’s Bed Close to the Couch

Placing your dog’s bed close to the couch can help keep them off the furniture.

When your dog feels the need to relax or take a nap, they’ll have their very own cozy spot to do so. This way, they’re more likely to choose their own bed over the tempting allure of the couch.

It’s all about providing them with a comfortable and designated space where they can unwind and have their own “me” time.

18. Teach Your Puppy from a Young Age

Teaching your puppy from a young age how to keep dogs off furniture and avoid jumping on the couch is essential for preventing unwanted behavior in the future.

Use positive reinforcement to teach them to use their own bed and reward them when they obey.

19. Avoid Aversives

Avoid using aversives such as physical punishment or scolding to keep your dog off the couch.

This can be counterproductive and lead to unwanted behavior in the future. Instead, use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior.

20. Protect Your Furniture from Dogs

If you’re struggling to keep your dog away from your furniture, here’s a practical solution for you: protect your precious pieces with covers or slipcovers.

By covering your furniture, you create a barrier that shields it from pet hair and potential scratches caused by your furry friend’s enthusiastic antics.

It’s a simple yet effective way to preserve the beauty and longevity of your furniture while still allowing your dog to roam freely around the house.

Keeping Dogs Off Furniture: The Challenges

Keeping dogs off furniture can present its fair share of challenges for dog owners.

While it’s natural for dogs to seek comfort and closeness with their human family members, allowing them unrestricted access to furniture can lead to a host of issues.

Here are some common challenges dog owners face when trying to keep their furry friends off furniture and potential solutions to overcome them:

Persistence and Determination

Dogs can be persistent creatures, especially when it comes to seeking out cozy spots like couches and chairs.

They may try various methods to get on furniture, such as jumping, pawing, or even nudging their owners for permission. This persistence can make it challenging to consistently reinforce the rule of staying off furniture.

Temptation and Comfort

Furniture, especially sofas, and beds, are often designed for maximum comfort. The cushions, soft fabric, and elevated surfaces are naturally appealing to dogs.

Their desire for comfort and the presence of familiar scents on furniture can make it difficult to keep them away.

Size and Accessibility

Large dogs or dogs with athletic abilities may find it easier to jump onto furniture despite your efforts to keep them off. Their size and agility can make it challenging to physically prevent them from accessing furniture.


In conclusion, there are many ways to keep dogs off the couch, from positive reinforcement to physical barriers.

Pet parents can train their dogs to use their own bed, invest in a couch defender, or use a scat mat to discourage unwanted behavior.

By spending quality time with your furry friend and using positive reinforcement, you can train your dog to stay off the furniture and enjoy their own comfortable dog bed.

With patience and consistency, your dog will learn to associate the couch with a place to avoid and will enjoy spending quality time with their best friend in their own space.


What can I put on my couch to keep my dog off?

To keep your dog off the couch, you can try using physical deterrents like aluminum foil or double-sided tape, which dogs generally dislike.

Additionally, you can create an appealing alternative by providing a comfortable dog bed nearby and using positive reinforcement to encourage its use.

How do I stop my dog jumping on sofa?

To prevent your dog from jumping on the sofa, consistency is key.

Use commands like “off” or “bed” to redirect their attention, reward them with treats or praise when they comply, and consider using physical barriers like baby gates or closed doors to limit their access to the sofa.

Why does my dog always get on the couch?

Dogs may get on the couch for various reasons, including seeking comfort, wanting to be close to their owners, or simply because they find it cozy.

It’s important to provide them with their own comfortable space, like a dog bed, and reinforce the desired behavior of staying off the dog on the couch through positive reinforcement and consistent training.

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