How to Make My Dog Vomit Without Hydrogen Peroxide: Emergency Tips


Are you having an emergency situation with your dog?

Dogs eat everything that’s been served to them. If your dog ate something suspicious and you want to find out how to induce vomiting, you will find your answers here.

Stay with us and find out the answers to the question, “How to make my dog vomit without hydrogen peroxide“!

Key Takeaways:

  • Inducing vomiting in dogs can be a life-saving step in critical situations.
  • When dogs eat something they are not supposed to eat, dog owners should remain calm and consult a professional.
  • Learning how to make a dog throw up should be done in consultation with the Animal Poison Control Center or with another doctor of veterinary medicine.
  • There are many in-home remedies that can lead to vomiting, but not all of them are safe.
  • Inducing vomiting with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution is the safest option.

Poisoning in Dogs

Poisoning in dogs occurs when toxic substances are swallowed, inhaled, or absorbed, and pet owners must react fast in these situations. This is also called toxicosis or intoxication.

These toxins are absorbed in the animal’s body, and the effects can be local, or the poison can be absorbed and spread by the bloodstream.

The outcome depends on the poison. According to the Merck Veterinary Manual, some poisons are metabolized, and the new compounds are more toxic and harmful than the original compound.

If you suspect that your dog ingested something poisonous, contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.

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How to Make My Dog Vomit Without Hydrogen Peroxide: Emergency Tips 5

When to Induce Vomiting in Dogs?

When dogs ingest something dangerous, the pet parents immediately think of vomiting and that’s totally okay. But if you make a dog throw up in these situations, it doesn’t mean that your dog will heal automatically.

In fact, if you induce vomiting in certain cases, you will do more harm than good.

The first step is to contact a Pet Poison Helpline to guide you and provide you with instructions. Explain the current situation that your pet is in at the moment and these veterinarians will give you further instructions.

Inducing vomiting may or may not be advised, and there is no definite answer. It all depends on the ingested poison and the pet’s current health condition.

In some cases, dogs throw up without inducing. If that is not the case with your dog, a veterinarian can determine if making your dog throw up is safe or not.

Risks of inducing vomiting in dogs

Each action during this critical period can lead to harmful effects. For example, dogs that swallow caustic materials or sharp objects should not be forced to vomit.

If your dog has swallowed a foreign object (toy or sharp objects), vomiting can do harm. If the dog swallowed a sharp object and is forced to vomit, the object can lead blockage in the esophagus or other parts of the gastrointestinal tract, and can even lead to perforations.

Another risk is aspiration pneumonia. This occurs when dogs inhale or consume a toxic substance and the content from the stomach goes into the lungs.

In brachycephalic breeds, there are other risks. These pets normally experience difficulty breathing, and if you make your dog throw up, it can cause aspiration pneumonia.

No matter the breed, you shouldn’t induce vomiting in dogs that are lethargic or comatose or if they are having seizures.

To avoid these risks, before you put anything in the dog’s mouth to make your dog throw up, you should consult a veterinarian or visit a veterinarian immediately.

What to Do if Your Dog Ate Something Poisonous?

This is a very serious topic and pet parents must react promptly and fast. First of all, if your dog ate something poisonous or toxic, you should call a veterinarian or a poison control center as soon as possible.

Then, try to transport your dog to the nearest veterinary hospital to provide it with proper care.

The veterinarian will take anamnesis from you and will decide about the further treatment process.

Diagnosis of poisoning

The diagnosis is based on a few factors, including the following:

  • history
  • signs
  • tissue changes
  • laboratory examinations

Your veterinarian should also know the animal’s age, sex, weight, current illnesses or any prior health issues, and medications that your pet is taking.

This is especially important if you are trying to get help from a veterinarian through a call. The veterinarian can guide you during this emergency situation.

It is well known that many home remedies can lead to vomiting in dogs, but not all of them are safe. If the situation is critical, the veterinarian can advise you on the safest option with minimal harmful effects on the animal’s health.

How to Make a Dog Throw Up at Home?

If you are not able to visit the vet’s office and your dog’s current health situation is critical, you should at least contact a doctor of veterinary medicine to give you instructions based on the current health condition.

Before you get any advice, you should know your dog’s body weight so your vet can give you proper instructions.

According to Safdar A. Khan, apomorphine and 3% hydrogen peroxide can make a dog throw up if used as directed. Giving a dog a hydrogen peroxide solution can lead to vomiting in most dogs. The study showed that 90% of the dogs from the study threw up after it was given through mouth.

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The dosage depends on the dog’s body weight and size, but the general guideline for giving your dog hydrogen peroxide is 1 teaspoon pet 10 pounds of body weight. The maximum dose is 3 tablespoons for dogs who have more than 45 pounds of body weight.

Safely inducing vomiting with hydrogen peroxide has a few steps. Take a feeding syringe and squirt it from the front into the back of your dog’s tongue. Make sure that you do this carefully and slowly because if your dog inhales the content, it can lead to aspiration.

Hydrogen peroxide can be given three times every 10 minutes until the dog vomits. Bear in mind that higher concentrations are toxic.

Hydrogen peroxide functions by irritating the dog’s intestinal tract, which can encourage vomiting.

Apomorphine should be applied only intravenously, and it should be done by a veterinarian. Sometimes, it is too late to apply this drug because the dog needs to be taken to a veterinarian clinic. This only occurs if the CNS depression is worsened.

According to ASPCA, these are the safest medications to make a dog vomit after it consumes something poisonous.

There is an alternative if you can’t make it to the emergency clinic fast. To do this, you also need to be guided by a professional.

Giving your dog activated charcoal can reduce the poisoning symptoms, but it will not be effective if your has eaten some object. Activated charcoal works by absorbing the toxins from the body.

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Remember that giving other drugs in the period of 2 hours after giving charcoal won’t be effective, because activated charcoal works by absorbing.

Dangerous home remedies to induce vomiting in your dog

According to Karen Humm, in the past, there were many home remedies that were used to induce vomiting, but nowadays, veterinarians DO NOT recommend any of these. This includes the following:

  • Salt water
  • Mustard
  • Ipecac syrup

Dog owners are very familiar with the salt water because many non-professionals recommend it everywhere across the Internet. Yes, it’s true that salt water can make dogs vomit, but it doesn’t mean that it’s safe.

In fact, large ingestion of salt can lead to hypernatremia and high salt levels in a pet’s blood. It can lead to unsteady walking, tremors, and seizures.

Ipecac can also make a dog throw up, but it’s very unsafe and can lead to serious problems like drooling, difficulty breathing, heart rate drop, and even death.

Mustard can lead to lung damage if inhaled, and giving it to your dog can only worsen the situation.

Note: DO NOT give any home remedies or antidotes before consulting with a veterinarian.

It is also important to mention that you should NEVER stick your finger down your dog’s throat because dogs don’t have the gag reflex that humans have. If you do this, it will also cause trauma for the dog and can result in injury.

Tips for Inducing Vomiting in Dogs

Follow these general tips to save your pet’s life in emergency situations:

  1. Call a veterinarian or animal poison control center if your dog ingests a toxin
  2. Take a deep breath and follow the advice
  3. Check if your pet is breathing normally
  4. Remove the pet to a quiet area
  5. DO NOT give any home remedies without prior consultation
  6. If your pet’s health status improves, visit the nearest veterinary clinic


What can I give my dog to vomit?

Hydrogen peroxide is the best way to induce vomiting in dogs. There are other home remedies that can induce vomiting, but it is best to advise a professional before applying any of them.

Can I give my dog hydrogen peroxide at home?

Yes, you can and this is the safest method to make a dog throw up in emergency cases. However, before you take any action, you must consult with a veterinarian.

How long after a dog consumes chocolate can you induce vomiting?

The induction of vomiting in dogs after chocolate consumption should be within 2 hours of ingestion. If this occurs, contact a veterinary professional and follow the advice.

Do pets feel sick after hydrogen peroxide?

Yes, the main purpose of hydrogen peroxide in these cases is to irritate the stomach lining in order to trigger vomiting. However, higher dosages can lead to ulcers, nausea, and pain.

To Sum Up:

Making dogs throw up can safe the dog’s life. If your pet ate something suspicious, call a doctor of veterinary medicine as soon as possible, gather the information about the product that your dog consumed and explain the current health status.

Knowing how to make a dog vomit is crucial, but it’s harmful in some cases. So, before doing anything to induce vomiting at home, consult a professional.

Did you ever have a similar situation? What did your veterinarian advice to make your pet vomit at home?

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