Should I Wake My Puppy Up To Pee At Night?

should i wake my puppy up to pee at night

A primary concern for someone who owns a pup is ensuring their furry friend remains in good health and happy. This involves ensuring the puppy gets enough rest, while also avoiding any incidents during the night.

You might wonder for yourself…Should I wake my puppy up to pee at night?

In this blog post, we’ll explore whether or not it’s necessary to wake your puppy up in the middle of the night and how to establish a routine that works best for both you and your furry companion.

So let’s dive into everything you need to know about keeping your pup happy and accident-free at night!

Potty Training at Night – Do You Need to Wake Up Your Pup?

If you’re potty training your puppy, you may be wondering if you need to wake them up to go to the bathroom at night.

The answer is that it depends on a few factors, including how old your puppy is and how well they are doing with potty training during the day.

If your puppy is still young (under 4 months old), it will likely need to go out more frequently and may not be able to hold its bladder for an entire night.

In this case, it’s best to set the alarm and take them out every few hours or so.

As your puppy gets older, it will be able to hold its bladder for longer periods of time. If they are doing well with potty training during the day, you can probably let them sleep through the night without having to take them out.

However, if they are having accidents during the day, it’s best to stick with taking them out at night as well.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide whether or not to wake your puppy up to go potty at night. If you’re unsure, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and take them out just in case.

Crate Your New Puppy at Night

If you’ve just brought home a new puppy, you’re probably wondering how to crate train them at night.

The good news is that it’s actually not difficult to do! Here are some tips on how to create your puppy at night:

1. Choose the right size crate for your puppy. It should be big enough for them to stand up and turn around in, but not so large that they can use one end as a bathroom.

2. Put something comfortable in the bottom of the crate, like a dog bed or a blanket.

3. Put the crate in a quiet place in your home, away from any busy areas or loud noises.

4. Introduce your puppy to the crate gradually, letting them explore it and get used to it at their own pace.

5. Once your puppy is comfortable with the crate, start feeding them meals in it and closing the door for short periods of time while they eat. This will help them associate the crate with positive experiences.

6. When it’s time for bed, put your pup in its crate with a toy or chew bone to keep them occupied. You may need to stay close by at first in case they cry, but eventually, they’ll settle down and sleep through the night.

Age Determines Everything

Age definitely determines everything when it comes to a puppy and its potty habits. A young puppy, under the age of 4 months, will need to be taken out every 2-3 hours, including overnight.

This means you’ll need to set an alarm and wake your puppy up in order to take them outside to relieve themselves. Once they reach 4 months old, they can start sleeping through the night without needing a potty break.

Puppy Night Time Potty Schedule

Assuming your puppy is sleeping through the night (6-8 hours), it can likely hold its bladder for that long. If they are waking up during the night, it’s possible they need to go to the bathroom.

The best way to figure out if your puppy needs to go outside is to keep a journal for a few nights. Note when your puppy sleeps and when they wake up.

If they consistently wake up around the same time each night, take them outside at that time to see if they need to relieve themselves.

If your puppy does need to go out during the night, be sure to take them to the same spot each time so they learn that that is where they should go potty.

How To Help Avoid Puppy Peeing at Night

If you’re potty training a puppy, you may be wondering if you should wake them up to go to the bathroom at night. The answer is: it depends.

If your puppy is young (under 4 months old), it may need to be taken out more frequently, and waking them up may be necessary.

However, if your puppy is older, it likely won’t need to go as often and can hold its bladder for longer periods of time. If you’re unsure, the best thing to do is consult with your veterinarian.

Here are some tips to help avoid accidents during the night:

1- Take your puppy out for a final potty break before bedtime. This will help them learn that nighttime is for sleeping, not for going to the bathroom.

2- Establish a bedtime routine and stick to it. This will help cue your puppy that it’s time for sleep.

3- Keep your puppy’s crate or sleeping area clean and dry. If there are any accidents, clean them up immediately so that your puppy doesn’t associate their sleeping area with going to the bathroom.

4- Avoid giving your puppy food or water too close to bedtime. This will help prevent them from needing to go in the middle of the night.

How Long Can Puppies Sleep At Night Without Peeing?

Puppies need to urinate frequently, so it’s important not to let them sleep for too long at night without taking a break to go outside.

If your puppy is sleeping through the night without waking up to pee, you may need to wake them up every few hours to prevent accidents.

Once your puppy is older and has better bladder control, it will be able to sleep for longer periods of time without needing to relieve itself.

Using Pee Pads in a Puppy’s Crate at Night

If you’ve decided to use a puppy pee pad in your pup’s crate at night, there are a few things you’ll need to do to make sure it goes smoothly.

First, place the pee pad in the crate in an area that’s easy for your pup to reach.

You may need to experiment with a few different spots before you find the perfect one. Once you’ve found the spot, put your pup in the crate and let him get used to it for a few minutes before closing the door.

When it’s time for bed, give your pup one last potty break outside and then put him in his crate with the pee pad. Make sure he has plenty of water and he should be good to go until morning.

Do I Need to Wake My Puppy Up to Pee at Other Times of the Day?

If your puppy is sleeping soundly through the night, there’s no need to wake them up to go outside to pee.

However, if they’re still young (under 4 months old), you’ll want to take them out every 3-4 hours during the day so they can relieve themselves.

Once they’re a bit older and have more control over their bladder, you can start lengthening the time between bathroom breaks.

What If My Puppy Goes Pee In The House Or In Her Crate At Night?

If your puppy goes pee in the house or in her crate at night, don’t worry! It’s normal for puppies to have accidents when they first start sleeping through the night.

Just clean up the mess and keep an eye on your pup to make sure she’s not having too many accidents.

If she seems to be having more than a few accidents, you may want to wake her up to take a potty break before bedtime.

Are There Situations Where I SHOULD Wake My Puppy Up to Pee at Night?

There are a few situations where you may need to wake your puppy up to go outside to pee at night.

If your puppy is younger than 4 months old, it may need to be taken out every 2-3 hours. puppies this age haven’t developed the bladder control necessary to hold it all night long.

If your puppy has a medical condition that causes them to urinate more frequently, such as diabetes or incontinence, it will also need to be taken out more often.

If your puppy was crate trained before you brought them home, and they are now sleeping in a different location (such as your bed), they may not be able to hold it all night and may need to be taken out for a potty break.


1. When should I stop waking my puppy to pee?

You should stop waking your puppy up to pee when he is able to hold his bladder for 8-10 hours at night.

Puppies typically reach this milestone between 4 and 6 months of age. If your puppy is still having accidents in his crate at night, continue to wake him up until he is consistently dry.

2. Should I wake my dog up to pee before bed?

Many new puppy owners wonder if they should wake their puppy up to pee before bed. The answer to this question depends on a few factors.

The first factor is how young your puppy is. Puppies under the age of 12 weeks old need to urinate frequently, so it’s important to take them out before bedtime.

If your puppy is older than 12 weeks, you can probably wait until morning to take them out for a potty break.

The second factor is how much your puppy drinks during the day. If your puppy drinks a lot of water, it will need to urinate more often. This means you’ll need to take them out more often, including before bedtime.

The third factor is whether or not your puppy has accidents during the day. If your puppy has accidents during the day, it’s likely that they’ll have accidents at night as well.

In this case, it’s best to wake them up before bed and take them outside for a potty break.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to wake your puppy up to pee before bedtime depends on your individual pup and its needs.

If you’re unsure, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and take them out one last time before heading to bed for the night.

3. How long should a puppy go without peeing at night?

Many new puppy owners are surprised to learn that their puppy may need to go out to pee several times during the night.

For some puppies, this may mean every two hours or so. Others may be able to sleep for longer stretches.

How long your puppy can hold depends on age, size, and overall health. A good rule of thumb is that a puppy can hold his bladder for one hour for each month of age.

So, a three-month-old puppy should be able to last for up to three hours at a time.

Of course, this is just a guideline. Some puppies (and adult dogs) can hold it for longer, while others need to go more frequently.

If you’re not sure how often your puppy needs to relieve himself, ask your veterinarian for advice.

4. Why should you never wake a sleeping puppy?

Puppies need a lot of sleep! In fact, they can sleep up to 18 hours a day. Puppies also have small bladders and can’t hold their urine for very long.

That’s why it’s important to never wake a sleeping puppy to pee.

If your puppy is sleeping soundly, it means his bladder is full and he doesn’t need to go. Waking him up will only make him grumpy and disrupt his much-needed sleep.

Final Notes

There’s no one right answer when it comes to waking up a sleeping puppy to potty. The key is to listen to your puppy and figure out what works best for him.

If you’re still having accidents at night, continue to wake up and complete the training.

The most important thing is to take things slowly and gradually introduce the idea. It’s important to remember that puppies will often go through a phase where they need to be woken up to pee.

This is normal and will eventually pass. However, if your puppy is still having accidents at night, it’s best to train them best.

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