Curious Canine Behavior: Why Do Dogs Lick Your Feet? Unraveling the Mystery Behind This Habit


Have you ever wondered why dogs like to lick your feet? This behavior is common in dogs and often puzzles their owners. Given that feet can be unclean and sometimes smelly, what makes dogs drawn to licking them?

It turns out there are several possible explanations for this behavior. In this article, we’ll look at some of the most common reasons dogs is licking your feet and what you can do if their licking behavior becomes excessive or disruptive.

So get ready to learn more about why your canine companion loves licking feet!

What To Know About Dog Licking Your Feet?

Dogs may lick your feet for various reasons, such as affection, curiosity, grooming, tasting salt, submission, attention-seeking, anxiety, playfulness, conditioning, or even as a sign of a medical issue.

Here are some common reasons dogs lick feet:

To Show Affection

Dog’s foot licking is a way for dogs to express how much they care about their owners; it’s their way of giving love and showing affection.

Taste Tests

Some experts believe that dog’s licking feet in order to get a salty taste that people naturally exude through their skin.

Anxiety Relief

Dogs may be trying to calm themselves by licking while dealing with stress or anxiety, similar to when humans bite their nails or twirl their hair when anxious or stressed out.

Attention Seeking Behavior

Dogs are social creatures who crave attention from their humans; licking feet is one way they can show that they’re looking for an interaction with you!

Grooming Habits

While some animals take part in mutual grooming (think monkeys picking bugs off each other), some experts suggest that your dog may be trying to clean the dirt and sweat from your feet as part of a natural grooming habit like cats does with themselves!

Curiosity From Smells and Textures

Your dog might be curious about the new smells and textures on your feet or around them are rubbing against them, so he could start licking them to get a better understanding.

Medical Issues

In some cases, the compulsive behavior of licking can be a sign of an underlying medical condition such as an allergy or skin issue. If you’re concerned about your dog’s behavior, consider talking to your vet.

By understanding the different reasons why dogs lick their owners’ feet, you can better understand their behavior and communicate with them more effectively. It’s important to watch for signs of excessive licking (for example, if they start licking excessively or obsessively) that could be a sign of an underlying medical condition. If this is the case, make sure to consult your vet as soon as possible.

What should I do if my dog licks my feet too much?

If your dog is licking your feet excessively, it’s important to determine the cause of their behavior.

Divert Your Dog’s Attention

Sometimes, excessive licking may simply be due to boredom or seeking attention. If this is the case, you may want to provide your dog with more enrichment activities and exercise. You can also try redirecting the licking to a toy they can chew on instead of your feet.

Talk to Your Vet

Excessive licking can be a sign of an underlying medical condition, such as allergies or skin issues. If you suspect this may be the case, you should consult your vet right away. Your vet can perform a physical exam and any necessary tests to determine the cause of your dog’s behavior.

Positive Reinforcement

You may want to train your pup with positive reinforcement techniques so they don’t feel like licking is their only option in order to get attention from you or other family members.

How to Stop Your Dog from Licking Your Feet?

It can be frustrating and sometimes uncomfortable when your dog is constantly licking your feet, but it’s important to understand why they are doing this before trying to stop them.

The key to stopping a dog from licking its owner’s feet is addressing the underlying cause of the behavior you can also talk to an animal behaviorist to understand this foot-licking behavior.


Should I stop the dog licking my feet?

Licking can be a sign of affection and most dogs will lick their owners’ feet occasionally. However, it is important to be aware of when the licking becomes excessive as this could be a sign that your dog is feeling anxious or stressed out or have any medical conditions.

What Are Some Ways To Stop The Licking?

It’s important to consult your veterinarian if the licking is excessive as this could be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Also, you can try using positive reinforcement techniques to teach your pup that there are other ways to get attention from.

Does Dog Licking My Feet Indicate Love?

Yes, licking can be a sign of affection! Dogs may lick feet as a way to show their humans that they care and appreciate them.

Is Licking Feet A Sign Of Stress In Dogs?

Yes, licking can be a sign of stress in dogs. Dogs may lick their feet to soothe themselves when they feel anxious or overwhelmed. Licking can release endorphins, which are natural hormones that help us to feel relaxed and reduce stress.

Is Licking Feet A Sign Of Dominance In Dogs?

Yes, licking can be a sign of dominance in dogs. Dogs may lick their feet to show superiority over other dogs or people. In some cases, the licking can be a sign of submission and respect towards the dominant dog or person.

Dogs may also lick their feet to assert their power by showing that they are in control of the situation.


It’s clear that dogs licking their owners’ feet can mean a variety of things from showing affection to asserting dominance. While some dogs may lick your feet as a sign of love, it could also be indicative of an underlying medical issue and should always be discussed with your veterinarian if the behavior is excessive or obsessive.

With these tips in mind, you’ll have all the tools necessary to better understand why your pup licks your feet and how you can stop it when needed!

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