Introducing Bulldogology AutoPads

Best Dog Subscription Box

Bulldogology Premium Puppy Pads
Sent Automatically

Save 15% Off Everytime, Free Shipping Everytime, Cancel Anytime

How it Works

Here’s Our Satisfaction Guarantee

Each Dog Subscription Box AutoPads has a 100% Risk Free Promise Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Just ask and we’ll get your money back – And you can keep the box!
That’s how confident we are with our product. Cancel Anytime, you’re in control!

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s simple and easy. Start with your membership with one of your favorite premium pee pads. Select the frequency you want it sent to you, choose either every 2 weeks or monthly. Unless you decide on a customized date, contact us and we’ll set that up for you. Every time your pads are sent, they will be sent with 15% off every time plus free shipping. How awesome is that?!

Nope! No fees, you only pay for what pads you choose.

Want savings? It’s simple, subscribe to a product and save 15% off plus free shipping every time. You’ll have the product sent to you each month on the day you’ve subscribed. Cancel anytime by login into your My Account or contact us to request a cancellation.

Absolutely. We have many Cat owner customers who use our pee pads regularly and they are super satisfied.

If you want a different size along with a different quantity, easily add both or many to the cart. It’s that simple.

No strings attached, you can cancel anytime. For whatever reason with just a few clicks on your account or contact support we can cancel your AutoPads immediately. We hope you’ll stay, but we don’t make it hard to leave.

Great question! To log into your account, please click here. There you’ll be able to check orders, subscriptions, billing, and other account details.

The carbon black has extra absorbency with charcoal materials, which absorb faster, and blocks odor right away! Another BIG difference is after each use they won’t leave any noticeable trace of urine.

If this has happened using the sticky tape from our Bulldogology pee pads, don’t panic or get frustrated!

Simply soak a towel with warm/hot water and place it over the top of the tape residue. Wait for at least half an hour. Gently scrape off the residue with an edger such as a paint edger or using your fingernails. There’s also counter adhesive spray remover you can find at your local store if you prefer this.

Here’s a simple article to help with visuals. Or see our product instruction page for our video on how to remove the sticky tape.