What Can I Give My Dog for Constipation? 7 Remedies to Make Your Dog Poop!


No one likes to see their beloved dog struggle during bowel movements. This often raises the question, ‘What is a secure solution for my dog’s constipation?’ What forms of medication or at-home remedies can relieve my dog’s pain and provoke quick bowel movements?

Thankfully, there are several effective home remedies that can regulate your dog’s bowel movement, soften the stools, improve the digestive system, and help your pet get relief.

How Can I Relieve My Dog’s Constipation Fast? What Can I Give My Dog for Constipation?

Constipation symptoms in dogs include dry, hard stools, irregular bowel movement, straining to poop, pooping in several spots, abdominal pain, gas, refusal to eat, etc. which can cause the dog significant discomfort.

The best way to relieve a dog’s constipation is with pumpkin puree or pumpkin pie filling. Adding pumpkin to your dog’s diet can help a constipated dog by softening the stools and replenishing the lost moisture that causes the hardening of stools.

Regular intake of pumpkin in your dog’s food can benefit your dog’s digestive system and cleanse the dog’s colon. It helps provide fiber which encourages bowel movement and prevents the recurrence of constipation in dogs.

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What is a  Natural Laxative for a Dog? How to Prevent Chronic Constipation in Your Pet and Regulate Digestive Tract?

  1. Canned Pumpkin

Canned pumpkin is one of the most effective laxatives for dogs. It contains fiber which enlarges the stools and helps them pass out quickly. 

Vets recommend mixing canned pumpkin puree (without sugar, salt, or other additives or spices) with your dog’s food. You can start with 1-2 tsp (based on your dog’s size) until your dog responds.

  1. Dried or Green Beans

Dried beans are the best home remedies for dog constipation as they are also packed with a ton of fiber. They can keep your dog regular and also provide it with protein and other vitamins and minerals.

Since dried beans take a long time to cook, you can feed canned green beans to your pet. They are also high in fiber.

  1. Vegetables

Raw or cooked vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, etc. are the best home remedies for dog constipation. Dogs may be fed table scraps of these veggies.

Human foods like vegetables can provide your dog with plenty of fiber to regulate its movements. Mix up some cooked vegetables with your pet’s kibble or canned dog food.

You can also give your pet some raw, crunchy carrots post-meal to aid its digestive system, prevent chronic constipation, and also keep its teeth clean.

  1. Olive Oil

Olive oil is one of the best home remedies for a constipated dog. Add a teaspoon to your pet meals to promote healthy digestion, soften the stools, and keep your furry friend more regular.

  1. Metamucil (Psyllium Husk)

Metamucil – which contains psyllium husk) is not only a safe natural laxative for humans, but it can also benefit your dog. 

Metamucil is available over the counter in drugstores. Mixing it with dry dog food or kibble can help treat constipation in dogs and also prevent infrequent bowel movements caused by too little fiber in the pet’s diet.

Start with half a teaspoon for small dogs and up to 2-3 teaspoons for larger dogs.

Caution – avoid giving Metamucil to dogs with a history of colitis as too much fiber can cause problems.

  1. Regular Exercise

Like any muscle in your dog’s body, the dog’s intestines will function smoothly if it gets exercise. So, make sure your dog walks at least 15-20 minutes daily. Larger dogs will need at least 45 minutes of exercise every day to stimulate the bowels and keep them regular.

  1. Fresh Water

The American Kennel Club recommends that fresh water and regular exercise can prevent most cases of mild constipation in dogs. Every dog should be provided with plenty of clean and fresh water daily. This is vital for dog’s health.

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What Human Medicine Can I Give My Pet for Dog Constipation?

Vets recommend medicines like Dulcolax and Metamucil for dog constipation. Dulcolax is a stool softener that helps relieve dry and hard stools. Stool softeners work for most cases, especially if the constipation is caused due to narcotic pain relievers.

Metamucil – one of the popular fiber supplements – is made with psyllium husk – a dietary fiber – which adds roughage to your dog’s digestive tract.

The American Kennel Club mentions Metamucil is safe for constipated dogs and can prevent dry stools. Note that if the dog eats too much fiber it can cause diarrhea so please practice moderation. If a dog constipated is able to produce normal stool, please discontinue the use.

You may give one tablet of Dulcolax by mouth every 8 hours, but please do not give your dog more than 4 doses. If your dog is still constipated, your dog may be having intestinal blockage or some serious condition like digestive tract tumors.

In such a case, it is best to seek your vet’s opinion regarding further treatment. Home remedies will not help the dog and often, surgery may be required to remove the blockage.

How to Get a Dog Unconstipated Fast? 3 Changes to Dog’s Diet To Regulate Digestive Track

At the first sign of dog constipation like irregular stools, straining, dry stool, blood in stool, scooting, lack of appetite, etc. please make the following changes to your dog’s diet to help produce normal bowel movements. These are the main signs that your dog is constipated.

Switch to High-Quality Wet Food with Fiber

Often, low-quality dog food can result in canine constipation. Speak to your vet if your dog is constipated and switch to a high-fiber diet or a high-quality, premium, well-balanced diet -preferably wet food.

Good canned food contains balanced nutrition, moisture, and enough fiber with ingredients like wheat bran to keep dogs regular.

You may also consider feeding wet food or canned food instead of kibble or dry food if your dog is constipated. These allow for more regular bowel movements as they contain more moisture to prevent hard stool in the dog. You generally won’t need stool softeners in such a case.

Add Yogurt

Yogurt adds good bacteria to the dog gastrointestinal tract that can keep your dog regular and prevent constipation. Give your dog a teaspoon to 2 tablespoons of yogurt daily.

Add Olive Oil

Adding some olive oil to your dog diet at a few signs of constipation can also benefit the digestive tract in most dogs.

Conclusion – What Can I Give My Dog for Constipation?

You can give canned pumpkin to your dog to relieve constipation. If that does not solve the issue, you can always consider other home remedies above.

For some dogs, you may need oral laxatives, veterinary medicine, and/or a physical exam to rule out serious underlying health issues that may be the cause of the dog’s constipation.  Dog blood tests may help show the exact cause. We hope the above remedies help your dog feel better.

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