Are Huskies Good With Kids? Discover The Perfect Companions

are huskies good with kids

Are you thinking about getting a Siberian Husky and you have children? The essential inquiry that arises then is, How compatible are Huskies with kids?

In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of owning a Husky with children, delve into the typical Husky temperament around kids, and provide valuable insights into how Huskies interact with children.

We also cover important tips on how to make huskies get along with kids.

Are Huskies Good With Kids? 

Siberian Huskies are generally known to be good with kids and can make excellent family dogs. However, it’s important to consider a few key factors when determining if a Siberian Husky is a suitable choice for a household with young children.

Pack Dogs

 Siberian Huskies are pack dogs and have a strong instinct for companionship and social interaction. They are generally friendly, outgoing, and affectionate, which can make them great companions for kids. 

They often enjoy being part of a family and thrive in an environment where they receive attention, love, and regular physical activity.

Highly Energetic Dogs

However, it’s crucial to note that Siberian Huskies are energetic and active dogs requiring much physical and mental stimulation. Without proper outlets for their energy, they may become bored or frustrated, which can lead to destructive behavior. 

This means that families with young kids should be prepared to provide ample physical activity and playtime for their Husky, as well as mental challenges such as training and puzzle toys.

Every Dog Has Its Own Personality

While most Siberian Huskies are generally gentle and tolerant, every dog has its own unique personality. Some Huskies may have a higher prey drive or be more independent, which can affect their compatibility with young children.

 It is important to introduce any dog, including a Siberian Husky, to children gradually and under supervision to ensure they get along well and establish a positive relationship.

Teach Kids To Respect the Dog

Furthermore, teaching kids how to interact with dogs, including Huskies, is crucial for their safety and the well-being of the dog. 

Children should be educated on appropriate behavior around dogs, such as not pulling on their tails or ears, not bothering them when they are eating or sleeping, and giving them their space when needed. Additionally, adult supervision is essential to ensure the safety of both the kids and the dog.

Pros and Cons of Owning a Husky with Children


Huskies are generally friendly and sociable, making them great companions for kids.

They are a gentle breed and are known to be patient and tolerant, which is crucial when dealing with energetic children. Huskies are intelligent and can be easily trained to behave appropriately around kids.

These dogs have a loving and loyal nature, often forming strong bonds with their human members, including children.

Husky is an energetic dog. This is an active pet that loves outdoor activities, making them great playmates for adventurous children and parents.


Few dogs have a strong prey drive like the Husky. This may cause husky chase other small animals, including cats or small pets. Therefore, supervision is necessary around other pets.

Their independent nature can sometimes make them less obedient, requiring consistent training to establish clear boundaries for both the Husky and the child.

Huskies need a considerable amount of physical and mental stimulation. Failing to meet their needs may result in restlessness or excessive energy, which could be challenging for many families with young children.

Husky Temperament Around Children

Huskies generally have a good temperament around children and can become gentle and patient companions. However, every dog is unique, and individual characters may vary. When considering a Husky, it is important for potential husky owner to assess the dog’s personality and past behavior toward children.

Huskies are pack animals and often see the family, including children, as part of their pack. This makes them good family pets. They can be protective and will usually display nurturing behaviors toward kids. However, it is essential to supervise interactions between young children and dogs to ensure safety for both parties.

Also Read: How Much Do Huskies Cost?

How Do You Introduce a Husky to a New Baby?

Introducing a Husky to a newborn requires careful planning and gradual introductions. Here are some steps to follow:

Prepare the Husky Beforehand

 Ensure your Husky is well-trained and responds to basic commands like “sit” and “stay.” This will help establish control and create a safe environment.

 Before the baby arrives, allow your Husky to become accustomed to the scents associated with a newborn. This can be done by using baby lotions, powders, or blankets.

Make Gradual Introductions

Initially, allow your Husky to sniff and explore the baby’s nursery or the baby’s belongings under supervision. Gradually introduce short and supervised interactions, always prioritizing safety and comfort.

Use Positive Reinforcement

 Reward your Husky with treats and praise for calm and gentle behavior around the baby. This will help create positive associations and reinforce good behavior.

Supervise Interactions

 Never leave your Husky and newborn alone together. Maintain constant supervision during all interactions, even as your child grows older. Teach the child never to intentionally hurt the dog.

Establish Boundaries

 Teach your Husky to respect boundaries around the baby’s crib, play area, or any other designated area. Use positive reinforcement and redirection techniques to reinforce these boundaries.

Maintain Routine and Attention

 Ensure that your Husky’s daily walks, feeding, and attention needs are met, even with the new addition to the family. This will help prevent any potential jealousy or anxiety about the child. Spend time with your pet.

A word of Caution

Remember, each dog and baby interaction is unique, and safety should always be the priority. Consulting with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist can provide valuable guidance tailored to your specific situation.

Are Huskies Protective of Kids?

Yes, most Huskies are protective of children they grow up with due to the following reasons.

Affectionate Dogs

Huskies are generally known for their friendly and affectionate nature rather than being overly protective of kids. While they can form strong bonds with children and be gentle and patient with them, they may not exhibit the same level of protectiveness as some other dogs breeds.

Friendly Personality

Huskies are generally friendly dogs and are known to be sociable and outgoing. They are often described as being “friendly with everyone,” which includes children. Their temperament is not typically characterized by a strong protective instinct towards their human members.

Working Dog Breed

Huskies are originally working dogs bred for sled-pulling and endurance, and their high energy levels and independence are more characteristic of their temperament. They are more likely to engage in activities like running, exploring, and playing rather than actively protecting their human members.

Consider Individual Husky’s Temperament

That being said, every dog is an individual, and there can be variations in a Husky’s temperament. Some Huskies may show a level of protectiveness towards their family, including young child, but this is not a trait that can be generalized to the dog breed as a whole.

Never Assume!

It’s important for husky owners to understand the specific personality of their individual dogs and not assume a high level of protectiveness.

While huskies can be excellent companions for kids due to their gentle and friendly nature, it’s advisable to rely on other dog breeds if you’re specifically looking for a highly protective dog.

How to Make Your Husky and Kids Form a Strong Bond?

Raising Huskies with kids can be a rewarding task for parents.

Huskies and kids can form incredible bonds and develop lifelong friendships. Here are some valuable tips to foster a positive relationship between your Husky and your children:

1. Introduce the Dog and Children Gradually:

Allow your Husky to become familiar with your babies in a controlled and calm manner. Teach your kids to approach the dog with gentle and respectful behavior.

2. Teach Proper Interaction:

Teach your children how to appropriately interact with your Husky puppy or adult. Emphasize the importance of being gentle, not pulling on the husky puppy ears or tail, and avoiding bothering the dog while eating or sleeping. Respect for the dog’s personal space is key.

3. Supervise Playtime

Always supervise playtime between your Husky and your children, especially with younger kids. This ensures everyone’s safety and allows you to address any potential issues promptly. Remember, the Husky could unintentionally hurt a small child.

4. Involve Children in Training

Include your small children in training sessions, teaching your child how to give commands and reward the Husky for good behavior. This involvement helps strengthen the bond between the dog and your kids.

5. Exercise Together

Huskies require regular physical activity to stay happy and healthy. Encourage your small children to participate in activities such as walks, hikes, or playing in the backyard with your Husky. It promotes bonding and helps burn off excess energy.

Remember, responsible dog ownership and proper training are essential for creating a safe and harmonious environment for both Huskies and children. By following these guidelines and putting in the time and effort, you can have a fulfilling and loving relationship between your Husky and your small children.

Do Huskies Need a Lot of Maintenance?

Yes, Huskies do need some maintenance. While they are undeniably beautiful and make a good family pet, they require a significant amount of care and attention.

Grooming Needs

Huskies have a thick double coat that requires regular grooming to keep it in good condition. They shed heavily, especially during seasonal changes, and regular brushing is necessary to manage their fur and minimize the amount of loose hair in the home.

Secure The Fence

Additionally, Huskies are known to be escape artists and require secure fencing and containment to prevent them from wandering off.

Training and Exercise Needs

Training a Husky can also be a bit challenging as they can be stubborn and independent-minded. Consistent and patient training methods are necessary to establish boundaries and ensure they are well-behaved family members. Proper socialization is also crucial to prevent any potential behavioral issues.

Furthermore, Huskies are high-energy dogs that need a lot of exercise. They require daily physical activities, such as long walks, runs, or play sessions, to keep them mentally and physically stimulated. Without sufficient exercise, they can become bored and may engage in destructive behaviors.

High Energy and Exuberance

While Huskies are generally good pets, it’s important to note that they are a large dog and may accidentally hurt small kids due to their high energy and exuberance.

Supervision and teaching both small children and Huskies appropriate behavior and boundaries are necessary to ensure a safe and harmonious environment.

In comparison to some other dog breeds, Huskies are a little high-maintenance. They certainly require more grooming, exercise, and attention. They can also be a bit stubborn during training.

However, for those who are willing to invest the time and effort into these loving dogs care, properly trained Huskies can be incredibly rewarding, and, fun-loving companions and good dogs.

FAQs – Are Huskies Good With Kids?

Are Siberian Huskies Easy to Potty Train?

The Husky breed can be challenging to potty train due to their independent and stubborn nature. Consistent and patient training, along with a strict routine and positive reinforcement, is necessary to successfully potty train a Husky.

Also Read: How To Potty Train a Husky

Do Huskies Bark a Lot?

A Husky breed is not generally considered a big barker. The family dog tends to be more vocal and expressive through howling or “talking” rather than barking excessively. However, like any dog, their barking can vary depending on their individual personalities and how well they are trained and exercised.

Is a Siberian Husky Hard to Deal With?

Like the Alaskan Malamute, Huskies can be challenging to deal with due to their size, energy, and independent nature. However, with proper training, socialization, and exercise, they can be loving and well-behaved companions.

 It’s important to supervise the breed around small kids to prevent unintentional accidents, as is the case with many breeds.

Do Huskies Like Playing With Young Kids?

Huskies often enjoy playing with kids. They are generally friendly and sociable, and their playful nature can make them great companions for children. They love to spend time with them.

However, it’s important to supervise their interactions and teach both the kids and the Husky appropriate play behavior to ensure safety and positive experiences.

Is Husky a Friendly Dog or Not?

Huskies are generally considered friendly dogs. They are known for their social nature and often enjoy interacting with people and other dogs. 

However, it’s important to note that individual personalities can vary, and some Huskies may exhibit more reserved or independent behaviors. Proper socialization and training are essential in fostering a friendly and well-behaved Husky.

What do Huskies Love the Most?

These dogs love to run. They also love human companionship. They are good natured pets that can get along with other animals.

Final Thoughts & Key Takeaways- Are Huskies Good with Kids?

In summary, yes Siberian Huskies are good with kids and make great family dogs. Their friendly and affectionate nature, along with their social instincts, can create a positive bond with children.  Breeders raising huskies with kids can help with early enrichment.

However, it is important for pet parents to consider the energy levels of Huskies, provide them with ample exercise and mental stimulation, and ensure that children are taught how to interact with their canine pals appropriately. 

By considering these factors and providing a loving and structured environment, bringing home a Husky can be a wonderful addition to a family with young kids.

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