Unveiling the Truth: Are Huskies Hypoallergenic? Find Out Now!

are huskies hypoallergenic

The Siberian husky stands out as a remarkable breed of dog. Originally developed for sledding, they have now become highly sought-after as amazing pets.

However, not all dog breeds are perfect for everyone, especially allergy sufferers.

So, if you are prone to pet allergies, it’s important to know if Siberian huskies are hypoallergenic dogs.

Sadly, huskies are not hypoallergenic dogs.

Therefore, it’s crucial that you know how to manage the husky’s coat and its shedding.

Hypoallergenic Dogs: What Does It Mean?

Hypoallergenic is used to describe substances that can trigger fewer allergic reactions. While the word first appeared in cosmetic campaigns, it’s not limited to that field.

So, if an item is described as hypoallergenic, there’s less chance of suffering from allergic reactions. This does not translate to the item being allergy-proof. You might still experience allergic reactions.

Hence, dog allergy sufferers are more conscious of dog allergies and prefer to consider hypoallergenic dogs.

Are huskies hypoallergenic?

Huskies are not hypoallergenic dogs. Plus, huskies shed a lot of furs.

According to the American kennel club, huskies are more likely to trigger an allergic reaction, from stuffy noses to breathing problems.

So, it’s best not to adopt a Siberian husky if you have ever experienced pet allergy symptoms.

This wolf-like furry friend has a double coat. The outer coat helps the dog stand up the harsh condition, while the inner coat is responsible for regulating the dog’s body temperature.

Shedding-wise, the Siberian husky is quite different from other dog breeds. It doesn’t shed fur all year round but twice a year.

Their winter coats are usually thick coats. So you’ll notice that Siberian husky has a denser winter coat. The top husky’s coat protects the dog from rain or cold, while the dense undercoat generates warmth.

During summer, Siberian husky has a fluffy undercoat. Some Siberian huskies shed once and not twice a year. This usually happens in spring.

Allergies and Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

Several studies have shown that one in every 10 Americans is allergic to dogs. Hence, it’s advisable to consider a hypoallergenic dog breed.

One of the underlying reasons for allergic reactions is dog hair. If you love dogs, then choose a breed that won’t shed a lot of fur.

Dog fur contains dander. Pet dander is made up of dead skin cells, which leads to severe allergic reactions.

Not all dog breeds produce less dander. Dogs that shed a lot of furs, like Siberian huskies, are unsuitable for people suffering from dog allergies.

Hypoallergenic breeds include Irish water spaniel, miniature schnauzer, afghan hound, Portuguese water dog, Bedlington terrier, and soft-coated wheaten terrier.

Why do some dogs lead to more severe allergies than others?

Let’s get this out of the way: there’s no completely hypoallergenic dog breed. Every dog sheds, which means pet fur containing dander, is known to cause an allergic reaction.

Remember that it’s not the pet hairs that cause an allergic reaction but the protein in the dander.

So, hypoallergenic breeds are known to shed less hair than others, resulting in more severe allergies.

5 Effective Ways to Manage Husky Shedding

If you suffer from any dog allergy, here are some ways to minimize the symptoms of pet allergies:

Frequent brushing

Huskies shed a lot. While it’s important to groom them, they are not as demanding as other dogs with double coats. Brushing their fur helps remove the dead fur and dander in their coat.

Pay attention to husky shedding season

Most dogs, like Siberian huskies, shed their coat twice a year. During these periods, they shed a lot of furs apart from the quotidian shedding.

Understanding your dog’s shedding season allows you to manage the excess hair adequately. It’s crucial to groom Siberian huskies thoroughly during this period to ensure you remove any dead or loose hair from their coat.

Be extra careful with the double coat

Siberian Huskies have a double coat. The top coat has longer hair, while the undercoat is fluff. So, it’s essential to groom these coats differently depending on the season.

Brushing the double coat thoroughly helps prevent shed fur from lying around your apartment and reduces your exposure to pet dander.

Never Shave

Shaving is not an ideal solution to huskies shedding. Actually, it can be counterproductive. Shaving the fur exposes your dog’s sensitive skin to varying outdoor conditions. Hence, it might result in sunburn, heatstroke, or cancer.

Proper dog bath

Unlike other breeds, husky pups rarely need to be taken to the groomer. However, it’s not advisable to skip the bath. It’s crucial that you bathe your puppy once a month. This helps prevent excess shedding and promotes a healthier coat.

Are Huskies Hypoallergenic? Related FAQs

Is cleaning an effective way of avoiding dog allergies?

No, vacuuming your homes might eliminate the hair or dust bunnies but not the dead skin cells. They are microscopic and can be anywhere in your home, from upholstered furniture to clothing. You should still clean your house, but it’s not a reliable solution to the problem.

Is there such a thing as a completely hypoallergenic dog?

No, there is no canine breed that is completely hypoallergenic. However, some breeds, like the soft-coated wheaten terrier and Portuguese water dog, are considered more hypoallergenic due to their non-shedding or low-shedding coats.

How does human hair differ from dog hair in causing allergies?

Human hair is not a common allergen, while dog hair, specifically dander (tiny flakes of skin), can cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. It’s the proteins in dander, saliva, and urine that often trigger allergies, not the hair itself.


Not all dogs are perfect for people with allergies. Large dogs like Siberian huskies shed their fur, which is more likely to expose you to more allergies.

So it’s advisable to adopt a pup that sheds less fur. It attenuates your chances of suffering from allergies.

However, it’s important that you understand that Siberian husky hairs are not the main culprit. It’s the urine, saliva, and dead skin on their coat that causes the allergy symptoms.

Overall, if you are still interested in adopting a husky pup, you should brush their coat regularly and bathe your canine friend once a month. It helps with excessive shredding and improves their coat’s health.

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