Can Dogs Eat Chicken Bones? A Must-Know Guide for Pet Owners!

can dogs eat chicken bones

A common inquiry about dog diets involves whether it is alright for canines to eat chicken bones.

As responsible pet owners, it’s crucial to be well-informed about what foods are safe for our furry friends and what can potentially pose risks to their health.

Chicken is a popular human food, and the idea of sharing it with our canine companions might be tempting.

However, the matter of chicken bones is a topic that requires careful consideration, as it involves potential hazards that can impact our dogs’ well-being.

In this article, we’ll explore the facts and myths surrounding this issue to ensure you make the best decisions for your beloved four-legged friends.

Cooked Bones for Dogs – Can Dogs Eat Chicken Bones?

When it comes to cooked bones for dogs, including chicken bones, the rule of thumb is simple: avoid them at all costs.

Cooking bones, whether from chicken, turkey, or any other poultry, alters their structure, making them more brittle and prone to splintering.

These sharp splinters can wreak havoc on your dog’s mouth, throat, and gastrointestinal tract when chewed or swallowed.

Even though your dog might find them a tasty treat, the potential dangers outweigh any temporary enjoyment they may get.

As loving dog owners, it’s essential to prioritize their safety and well-being by steering clear of cooked bones as a treat.

Opt for safer alternatives like specially designed chew toys or treats at pet stores. Your furry companion will thank you for it

Are Chicken Bones Healthy for Dogs? Cooked vs. Raw

As dog owners, we know how tempting it can be to share our food with our furry friends, but when it comes to chicken bones, it’s crucial to exercise caution. Bones that are cooked, whether from chicken, turkey, or other poultry, pose a significant danger to dogs.

Cooked vs Raw ones both have their pros and cons in a dog’s diet but it’s mostly just cons.

They can splinter easily, leading to sharp fragments that can cause serious injuries to your dog’s mouth, throat, and gastrointestinal tract.

Raw chicken bones, on the other hand, are less likely to splinter, but they still come with risks.

Why are Chicken Bones Dangerous for Dogs?

Cooked chicken bones, as well as other cooked poultry bones, become brittle and can easily shatter into sharp pieces when dogs chew on them.

These splinters can puncture the dog’s mouth, throat, and intestines, leading to severe internal injuries.

Raw chicken bones, although less likely to splinter, still present a choking hazard or potential gastrointestinal issues if ingested in large pieces.

The bone marrow inside these bones can also be fatty and cause pancreatitis in dogs. To ensure your pet’s safety, it’s best to avoid giving them any type of chicken bones altogether.

If your dog does get ahold of a chicken bone and he appears distressed and shows symptoms, act quickly and call an emergency vet.

Here’s what to do if your dog swallowed a chicken bone

If your dog ate a chicken bone, it’s essential not to panic but to act quickly. Firstly, do not induce vomiting, as bones can be sharp and cause damage on their way back up.

Instead, closely monitor your dog for any signs of distress, such as choking, vomiting, or abdominal pain. Contact your veterinarian immediately for professional advice.

They may recommend monitoring your dog at home or bringing them in for an examination. In some cases, X-rays may be necessary to determine if the bone has caused any internal damage.

Benefits of Raw Chicken Bones for Dogs

While cooked and boiled bones should be off-limits for dogs, some raw chicken bones can be a tasty treat and may offer some benefits.

Raw chicken bones, particularly raw chicken necks or wings, are softer and more pliable than bones that are cooked, reducing the risk of splintering.

They can help clean your dog’s teeth and provide a natural source of calcium and phosphorus.

However, it’s essential to supervise your dog while they’re eating raw bones to ensure they don’t swallow large pieces whole.

When Should You Go to the Emergency Vet if Your Dog Ate Chicken Bones?

If your dog has ingested cooked chicken bones or any other type of poultry bones, it’s crucial to be vigilant for any signs of distress.

If you notice your dog actively choking, having difficulty breathing, or showing extreme discomfort, it’s a clear indication that you should head to the emergency vet immediately.

Other symptoms of concern include persistent vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, or refusal to eat. Don’t wait for these signs to worsen; quick action can make a significant difference in your pet’s outcome.

How to prevent your dog from eating chicken bones‍

Preventing your dog from getting their paws on chicken bones and turkey bones is crucial to avoid potential hazards.

First and foremost, never intentionally give your dog cooked or boiled bones, as they can splinter and harm your furry friend. Be mindful of where you dispose of poultry bones and other scraps, ensuring they are safely out of your dog’s reach.

When cooking chicken or turkey, keep your dog away from the kitchen and never leave food unattended.

Train your dog with commands like “leave it” and “drop it” to discourage them from picking up harmful items during walks. By being proactive and vigilant, you can protect your dog from the dangers of chicken bones.

Safe human foods to give dogs‍

While chicken bones are off-limits, several human foods are safe and even beneficial for dogs. Lean, unseasoned chicken meat without bones is an excellent protein source for dogs.

You can also share small amounts of cooked turkey (without bones) on special occasions. Many fruits and vegetables are safe too, such as apples (remove seeds), carrots, and blueberries.

As treats, plain popcorn (no salt or butter) or plain cooked rice can also be given in moderation.

If you suspect your dog ate a chicken bone and they show any weird symptoms, like trouble breathing, intestinal obstruction, or appetite lethargy, get them to a veterinarian immediately:

Tips To Keep Your Dog Safe

Keeping your dog safe requires a combination of careful supervision and environmental management.

When it comes to bones, be sure to discard them safely and securely after meals to prevent your dog from getting hold of them. Keep trash bins tightly sealed and out of reach.

Provide your dog with appropriate chew toys to satisfy their natural urge to chew without risking their safety.

Regularly inspect toys for wear and tear, and replace them as needed. When in doubt about a food item or potential hazard, consult your veterinarian promptly.

By following these tips, you can create a safe and loving environment for your beloved companion.

Read more about what steps to take if your dog ate chicken bones here.


In conclusion, it’s crucial for dog owners to be aware of the dangers associated with chicken bones and other boiled bones.

These can pose serious risks to a dog’s health, causing choking hazards and internal injuries.

Instead, opt for safer alternatives, supervise your dog’s diet, and consult your veterinarian for guidance on suitable treats and foods.

With responsible care, you can keep your furry companion safe, healthy, and happy.


Can Dogs Eat Chicken Bones?

No, dogs should never eat chicken bones. Cooked or boiled bones can splinter, causing serious injuries. Raw bones are also risky, potentially causing choking or digestive issues.

Can My Dog Have Raw Bones?

Raw bones can be given to some dogs under supervision. However, bones, including chicken bones, should be avoided due to the splintering danger.

Can You Give Dogs Chicken Bones From Your Meal?

No, never give your dog chicken bones from your meal. Boiled bones can splinter, posing a threat to your dog’s health and safety.

What Can Happen If My Dog Eats A Chicken Bone?

If your dog eats a chicken bone, it can lead to choking, mouth injuries, or gastrointestinal problems. Seek immediate veterinary attention to assess potential risks and treatments.

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