What to Give a Dog for an Upset Stomach and Vomiting?

what to give a dog for upset stomach and vomiting

There are various factors that may cause your dog to vomit, including eating something they shouldn’t or having a delicate digestive system. If you’re noticing these symptoms in your canine companion, you’re probably asking yourself, “What Can I Give My Dog for an Upset Stomach and Vomiting?”

There are, thankfully, things you can do to make your dog feel better. In this article, we’ll look at some of the best treatments for vomiting and upset stomachs in dogs.

What Causes Stomach Upset and Vomiting in Dogs?

A dog’s upset stomach can be caused by several factors.  A puppy’s upset stomach might cause disease in rare situations. Here are some of the most prevalent causes of upset stomachs in dogs.

Toxic Foods

A dog can be poisoned simply by ingesting household goods such as over-the-counter medications or cleaning detergents. 

The ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center specialists have compiled a helpful list of the most dangerous people foods to prevent offering your pet:

  • Chocolate
  • Citrus
  • Coconut and Coconut Oil
  • Grapes
  • Milk and Dairy
  • Nuts

You may offer plain yogurt to your furry friend to help replenish the intestines with good bacteria.

If your dog has been poisoned, call the Pet Poison Helpline at 1-800-213-6680 right away. The Pet Poison Hotline is available 24 hours a day.

Parasites and Bacteria

Dogs and some adult dogs acquire intestinal parasites by consuming the parasitic organism in contaminated food or things infected with a sick dog’s stool. 

Foreign invaders occur in different forms and sizes, but hookworms and roundworms are two of the most frequent. 

Once the pet parent(mother) is diseased, the parasites are passed on to the babies when they suckle. Dog, like people, is prone to upset stomach, bug, virus, and bacterial illness.


Because of their breed, your dog may be more prone to gastrointestinal distress. Elongated soft palates are common in American Bulldogs, which implies that the soft component of the ceiling of the mouth stretches down and inhibits the region of the digestive tract. 

If your dog makes repeated failed vomiting attempts after eating dog food or exercising, he or she may be suffering from bloat.

Stress and Anxiety

When your dog is anxious or tense, he or she may have an upset stomach.

If you and other dog owners are unable to eliminate the source of your dog’s situation about stress and anxiety, then might want to speak with your vet immediately about potential treatments.

Whenever your dog is sick, you might observe him eat grass to settle his upset stomach or try to induce vomiting.

Causes may not necessarily have to be physical. Dogs, like human colleagues, are complicated animals.

Anxiety and other mental and emotional variables can also induce upset tummies in dogs. When you do not notice an immediate improvement, you might need additional medical attention.

What are the Symptoms of Vomiting and Upset Stomach in Dogs?

Some signs of an upset stomach in most dogs are simpler to spot than others. More severe occurrences of dyspepsia, possible organ failure, or significant symptoms that may suggest an underlying health concern, can occur in dogs.

Several of these dog’s symptoms are associated with an upset stomach:

  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Appetite loss
  • Licking the ground or eating grass
  • Dehydration
  • Vomit containing digested blood (which resembles coffee grounds)
  • Weakness and lethargy

In dogs, especially young pups, these are the common signs of an upset stomach or gastrointestinal distress.

According to statistics, gastrointestinal difficulties in dogs are one of the most common causes of medical appointments.

What Home Remedies to Give for Vomiting and Upset Stomach in Dogs?

Assuming your dog does not have any severe underlying concerns that you are aware of, you can start with some home treatments.

However, if your dog has chronic and other signs of an upset stomach, you must constantly visit your veterinarian.

Here are some home remedies for your dog’s upset stomach:

Bland Diet

If you’re wondering what to give your dog for an upset stomach, begin with a bland diet, after your dog’s upset stomach and vomiting have ceased and they are ready to consume dog food again. 

Boiled chicken and cooked rice can all be included. These meals are easy to digest and friendly to your dog’s tummy.

If you don’t have rice or boiled chicken, or if your dog dislikes the bland diet, you may try feeding pork-based baby food. Remember to include foods with dietary fiber.

Heating the canned dog food as well as putting a little amount of heated bone broth without onion or garlic could make the dish more appealing, and not cause an upset stomach.


Many herbs and spices are toxic to our pets, but according to the American Kennel Club, ginger a natural remedy, in modest doses is harmless for dogs.

Ginger may be an easy treatment for a dog’s health, dog’s digestion, and dog’s upset stomach, and it is commonly used to cure canine illness.

Ginger, like any other human food, should be fed to dogs especially adult dogs in balance. Carob powder mixed with honey, as well as plain yogurt, maybe a tasty treat for your dog.

Bone Broth

Bone broth is a light, liquid diet that is well tolerated by dogs with sensitive stomachs. 

It’s also a healthy and tasty method to add flavor and moisture to dry food to motivate dogs with low appetites to eat.

For a dog’s stomach, a normal portion of bone broth is 1 ounce of broth per 10 pounds of the dog’s body weight. Your dog can have up to two portions each day.

Canned Pumpkin

You can assist relieve moderate episodes of constipation, vomiting, and upset stomach by simply putting a spoonful or so into your dog’s food.

Don’t feed your dog spices and other substances, so use 100 percent canned pumpkins and the best foods possible.

According to the Veterinarian Organization of the USA, it improves your dog’s digestive system and avoids digestive tract issues, constipation, and diarrhea. It also maintains the dog full, which helps with weight reduction.


Rice can be an ingredient that is occasionally seen in commercial dog food magazines. Many dog owners give white rice to their sick or ill pets, but brown rice also offers advantages.

Boil one portion of rice in three parts of drinking water to make digestion easier. The finished product should be very supple.

White rice is the grain of choice for a dog having an upset stomach or vomiting since it is easy to digest, fast to cook, and it’s low in fiber.


Although cabbage is healthy to offer to dogs, it should be done so cautiously. It may be included in your dog’s healthy treat diet among lettuce, sweet potatoes, and other natural remedies.

Cabbage includes antioxidants that may help your dog’s immune system, prevent cell degradation, and lower its chance of cancer and other serious diseases.

Excessive cabbage eating can cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as watery stools, and upset stomach. 

Over-the-Counter Medication

Several OTC drugs may assist your dog with diarrhea, however only with the supervision of your veterinarian.

Pepto-Bismol helps keep your dog’s upset stomach calm. You must give your dog the exact dosage, which can be found on the side of the package.

Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications that may be safe for dogs:

  • Benadryl®
  • Zyrtec®
  • Claritin®
  • Pepto-Bismol®
  • Imodium®

Dog Ice Chips

If your dog isn’t drinking water, give ice cubes or ice chips to enjoy as a  cool treat. It is one of the easiest home remedies. Keep your dog hydrated constantly, and always check your dog’s temperature particularly when they have been vomiting or having diarrhea. 

If you suspect your pet is dehydrated, feed them ice chips for 2-3 hours. A lot of your dog’s water intake might aggravate their stomach, so ice cubes are an excellent alternative.

Veterinarians also propose using ice cubes to gradually introduce water to dogs as a test following vomiting episodes.

Examine your dog’s skin and gums to detect whether he or she is dehydrated. When you raise the dog’s lip, its gums must have a glistening wet coating and feel moist to the feel.

When to See a Vet

Dogs can get into stuff they shouldn’t, but gastrointestinal symptoms such as upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea may also be signals of significant dog health problems. 

To identify the best treatment strategy for your dog, no blog can replace a trained veterinarian checkup. 

If your dog becomes seriously ill and you are unsure how to assist them, contact a veterinarian immediately.


Can I give my dog Pepto-Bismol for an upset stomach?

Yes, 1 teaspoon per 10 pounds is the suggested dose. It can be given to your dog every 6-to-8 hours, however, if diarrhea persists after a few doses, discontinue the treatment and contact your veterinarian.

What to do if your dog has an upset stomach and is throwing up?

Withhold meals for at least 6 hours if it is just one vomit. Make sure they have access to water but don’t overdo it, since this might lead to greater vomiting. To cure a dog’s upset stomach, veterinarians frequently recommend a bland diet. 

How do I make my dog feel better after throwing up?

After 6-8 hours, slowly resume small, bland meals like chicken or white rice. If all goes well the next day, your dog can return to their regular food.


Dogs with upset stomachs and vomiting may be stressful for the dog as well as its owner. The majority of dogs, tend to recover fast if they receive proper medical attention and treatment. 

Now that you know the solution to the issue of “What to Give a Dog for Upset Stomach and Vomiting.”

You can make your furry companion feel well in the shortest amount of time and prevent upset stomach and vomiting by following these guidelines and working together alongside your veterinarian.


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