English Bulldog and French Bulldog Comparison

english french bulldog comparison

Both the English bulldog and the French bulldog display comparable characteristics, yet there are distinct differences between them.

That’s because the Frenchie was bred to be a toy version of the bulldog. They are much smaller and have pointy ears. Let’s take a look at their features and characteristics.

The physical features of English bulldogs are considered the classic features for bulldogs in general. This includes the massive head with lots of folds, a flat face, a stocky build, and very short legs. They also have a wide stance. On the other hand, the French bulldog features can be considered simply as a miniature version of the regular bulldog.

The English bulldog weighs about 50 to 60 pounds on average. But the Frenchie is much smaller, weighing anywhere between 18 and 28 pounds. This makes the Frenchie an excellent lap dog, but the English bulldog may not be all that easy to carry around despite its seemingly small size.

When it comes to training, you may face difficulties with both breeds. 1.TheDifferenceBetweenEnglishbulldogandfrench English Bulldog and French Bulldog Comparison

For the English bulldog, it’s often because he’s admittedly a slow learner, although once he learns a lesson he doesn’t forget easily.

The Frenchie, meanwhile, is actually quite intelligent, and training can progress easily if you keep it fun and enjoyable for your dog. But the Frenchie has an independent streak, and for some dogs that can quickly turn into stubbornness.

Their demeanor is also somewhat different.

While the English bulldog can be playful, he often carries this sort of calm and dignified manner. They can be brave, but they don’t start fights. With their human family, they are content to just stay near them. Bulldogs are well-satisfied with their heads on the laps of the humans they love.

The Frenchie, however, is quite mischievous and fun-loving. They live to give love to their human family, and they absolutely delight in receiving affection from them.

Both common traits:

  • Both breeds don’t do well when it’s too warm. They need an air-conditioned environment, and when they’re outside you need to monitor them constantly and check for heat exhaustion.
  • Both breeds don’t need much exercise, but they do need to walk every day to keep them fit and prevent them from becoming obese. But while it may be easy to coax a French bulldog to go out for a walk, the English bulldog may not be as enthusiastic about the idea. The English bulldog can be very lazy, and when stubbornness is added to the mix you’ll have a devil of a time getting them out of the house for some exercise.
  • Both the English and the French bulldogs get along well with people, and especially children. Their temperament allows them to tolerate a lot from kids, and they don’t usually act aggressively. But when the English bulldog has had enough, he can simply walk away. Unfortunately, the Frenchie is so small that they may not have that option.
  • Both breeds may be susceptible to a long list of health problems. For English bulldogs, the #1 problem may be hip dysplasia problems in dogs. The French bulldog is considered among the healthiest of the bulldog breeds, but they may suffer from Von Willebrand’s disease, which is a bleeding disorder.

You can see more about English bulldogs and French bulldogs here on our blog!

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One Comment

  1. Thanks for your advice and information about the bulldogs! I am trying to figure out what breed will best fit in our family, we have some older dogs that are much bigger but spend a lot of there time outside and as retired parents we wanted a special house dog

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