How To Treat Eye Infection In Dogs At Home? Natural Remedies

How To Treat Eye Infection In Dogs At Home

As a dedicated dog owner, the health of your furry friend is always a top priority, especially when it comes to eye infections.

Are you looking for effective ways to treat your dog’s eye infection at home? Wondering how to provide relief and care without always rushing to the vet?

How to treat eye infection in dogs at home? It involves gentle cleaning, using safe home remedies like saline solution or chamomile tea, and ensuring protective measures to prevent further irritation.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore various methods and preventive measures to effectively manage and treat eye infections in dogs right at home. 

Key Takeaways

  • Home remedies like saline solution, chamomile tea, and cod liver oil can be effective for treating mild eye infections but should be used with caution.
  • Artificial tears and cold compresses can provide relief for eye infections, but it’s crucial to choose products formulated specifically for dogs.
  • Using an E-collar or protective cone is important to prevent dogs from scratching or rubbing their infected eyes, which can worsen the condition.
  • Routine veterinary check-ups, including annual eye exams, are essential for early detection and prevention of eye issues in dogs.

Symptoms of Eye Infections

When it comes to eye infections in dogs, several symptoms are commonly observed. According to WebMD, major symptoms of dog eye infection include:

  • Redness: The eye may appear more red or pink than usual, indicating irritation or inflammation.
  • Discharge: This can vary depending on the infection type. It might be clear, which often points to viral infections or allergies, or it could be thicker and yellowish-green, suggesting a bacterial infection.
  • Swelling: The eyelids might become puffy or swollen.
  • Squinting or Blinking: Increased blinking or squinting, often a sign of discomfort or pain.
  • Pawing at the Eye: Dogs might try to relieve discomfort by pawing at their affected eye.

Causes of Eye Infections

Eye infections in dogs can be attributed to a variety of factors:

  • Bacteria and Viruses: These are the most common culprits. Bacterial infections usually require an opportunity, like a scratch or an ulcer, to infect the eye. Viral infections, on the other hand, are often self-limiting unless they’re accompanied by a secondary bacterial infection.
  • Trauma: Injuries to the eye, such as scratches from playing or accidents, can lead to infections.
  • Foreign Objects: Things like dust, debris, or plant material getting into the eye can cause irritation and subsequent infection.
  • Allergies: Allergic reactions can also lead to symptoms similar to those of eye infections.
  • Underlying Health Issues: Conditions like dry eye or abnormalities in the eyelids or tear film can predispose dogs to eye infections.

Types of Eye Infections in Dogs

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Understanding the types of eye infections our furry friends can encounter is key to ensuring their health and happiness. Eye infections in dogs can be a source of discomfort and, if left untreated, can lead to more serious complications. 

Let’s delve into the different types of eye infections that can affect dogs, focusing on their unique characteristics and symptoms.

1. Bacterial Infections

According to AKC, bacterial infections in dogs’ eyes are among the most common types you might encounter. These infections are typically characterized by symptoms such as:

  • A noticeable, often thick, yellowish-green discharge from the eye.
  • Redness and swelling in the affected eye.
  • The dog may frequently paw at their eye due to discomfort.

What sets bacterial infections apart from other types is their cause – usually, bacteria enter the eye through some form of trauma or injury. This could be a scratch from playing or an irritant that has made its way into the eye. 

Unlike viral infections, bacterial ones often require antibiotic treatment, which underscores the importance of a vet’s diagnosis.

2. Viral Infections

Viral infections in dogs’ eyes are less common than bacterial ones but can still pose a significant health risk. These infections are often marked by:

Viral infections differ from bacterial ones in that they are often part of a larger systemic issue. 

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Canine Distemper Virus can cause viral eye infections. It’s crucial to monitor your dog closely and consult with a vet, especially if symptoms persist or worsen.

3. Other Types

While bacterial and viral infections are the most common, it’s worth mentioning other types, such as fungal infections. Though rare, fungal infections can occur and usually require specialized treatment.

They might present symptoms similar to bacterial and viral infections, making a professional diagnosis essential.

Home Remedies for Treating Dog Eye Infections

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When it comes to treating your dog’s eye infection at home, there are several safe and effective remedies you can use.

These methods are gentle and can provide relief for your furry friend, but remember, they are not substitutes for professional veterinary care, especially in severe cases.

Saline Solution

A homemade saline solution can be a gentle and effective way to clean your dog’s infected eye. Here’s how you can prepare and use it:

  • Preparation: Mix a teaspoon of salt with a cup of distilled or boiled water (cooled to room temperature). Ensure the solution is thoroughly mixed.
  • Application: Use a clean cotton ball or a soft cloth. Dip it in the saline solution and gently wipe around the eye area, being careful not to touch the eye directly. This can help in removing eye discharge and keeping the area clean.
  • Safety Tips: Always use a fresh cotton ball for each eye to avoid cross-contamination. Do not reuse the solution; prepare a fresh batch each time.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, making it beneficial for treating dog eye infections.

  • Benefits: Chamomile can help in reducing swelling and irritation in the infected eye.
  • Application: Brew a cup of chamomile tea and let it cool down. Once it’s at a comfortable temperature, take the tea bag and gently place it on your dog’s affected eye. The tea bag acts as a compress, which can provide relief. Ensure the tea bag is not too hot.
  • Frequency: You can apply this compress a few times a day, monitoring your dog’s comfort.

Cod Liver Oil

Cod liver oil is rich in vitamins A and D, which can aid in reducing inflammation and promoting the healing of eye infections.

  • Healing Properties: The anti-inflammatory nature of cod liver oil can help in soothing the infected eye and speeding up the healing process.
  • Application: Apply a small amount of cod liver oil on a clean cotton ball and gently dab around the infected area. Avoid direct contact with the eye.
  • Guidelines: Use this method once or twice a day. Ensure your dog doesn’t rub the eye after application, as this might cause further irritation.

Additional Home Care Tips

When treating your dog’s eye infection at home, it’s crucial to complement any remedies with proper home care. This ensures not only the effectiveness of the treatment but also your dog’s comfort and safety.

E-Collar or Protective Cone

An E-collar or protective cone plays a vital role in preventing your dog from scratching or rubbing its infected eye, which can exacerbate the condition. Here are some tips for using an E-collar:

  • Choosing the Right Size: Ensure the collar is of the correct size – it should be snug but not too tight, allowing your dog to eat and drink comfortably.
  • Familiarization: Introduce the collar gradually to your dog. Let them sniff and explore it before putting it on.
  • Monitoring: Keep an eye on your dog while they’re wearing the collar, especially during the initial stages, to ensure they’re comfortable and safe.

Artificial Tears for Dogs

According to Dr. Chantale Pinard, a veterinary ophthalmologist and associate professor at Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph, artificial tears can be a gentle way to provide relief for dogs with dry eye symptoms if used 3-4 times daily.

They help in keeping the eye moist and can flush out irritants. When selecting and applying artificial tears:

  • Choose Dog-Specific Products: Ensure the artificial tears are formulated for dogs, as human eye drops may contain ingredients that are harmful to your pet.
  • Application: Follow the instructions on the product label. Generally, a drop or two in the affected eye can help, but avoid overuse.

Cold Compress and Ice

Cold compresses can be effective in reducing swelling and inflammation associated with eye infections. To use this method safely:

  • Preparation: Wrap ice in a clean cloth or use a cold compress pack.
  • Application: Gently apply the compress to the area around the infected eye for short periods. Avoid direct contact with the eye.
  • Frequency: You can apply the cold compress several times a day, but always monitor your dog’s reaction to ensure they are comfortable.

When to See a Vet

While home remedies can be helpful, it’s crucial to know when to seek professional medical advice. Here are signs that indicate the need for immediate veterinary attention:

  • Persistent Symptoms: If the infection doesn’t improve or worsens over a few days.
  • Severe Swelling or Redness: Indications of a more serious underlying issue.
  • Behavioral Changes: Such as increased lethargy, loss of appetite, or unusual aggression.
  • Discharge Changes: If the discharge becomes more colored or thicker.

Remember, your dog’s eyes are delicate, and timely intervention by a vet can prevent more serious complications. 

Trust your instincts as a pet parent – if you’re ever in doubt about your dog’s eye health, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and consult with a veterinarian. 

Your dog’s health and comfort are paramount, and professional guidance is key to ensuring they get the best care possible.

Preventing Eye Infections in Dogs

As a devoted pet parent, preventing eye infections in your dog is just as crucial as knowing how to treat them. Prevention is always better than cure, and there are several steps you can take to ensure your dog’s eyes stay healthy.

1. Regular Eye Cleaning

Maintaining good eye hygiene is essential in preventing eye infections. Here are some tips:

  • Gentle Cleaning: Regularly clean your dog’s eyes using a soft, damp cloth. Wipe away any dirt or discharge gently, being careful not to irritate the eyes.
  • Avoid Irritants: Keep your dog away from irritants like smoke, dust, and strong chemicals, which can cause eye irritation.
  • Check for Foreign Objects: Regularly check your dog’s eyes for any signs of foreign objects like grass seeds, especially after walks in the park or the countryside.

2. Protective Measures

Protective gear can play a significant role in preventing eye infections, especially for dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors.

  • Dog Goggles: According to PetMD, consider using dog goggles in harsh weather conditions or if your dog likes to stick their head out of the car window. Goggles can protect their eyes from wind, debris, and harmful UV rays.
  • Trimming Hair: For breeds with long hair around the eyes, regular trimming can help prevent eye irritation and the accumulation of dirt and bacteria.

3. Regular Check-Ups

Routine veterinary visits are vital for maintaining your dog’s eye health.

  • Annual Eye Exams: Ensure your dog has a comprehensive eye exam during their annual check-up. This can help in early detection and prevention of potential eye problems.
  • Address Issues Promptly: If you notice any changes in your dog’s eyes or vision, consult your vet immediately. Early intervention can prevent more serious conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a pink eye in dogs?

Pink eye in dogs, also known as conjunctivitis, is an inflammation or infection of the conjunctiva, the tissue that lines the inside of the eyelids and covers the white part of the eye.

This condition can affect one or both eyes. It’s important to note that conjunctivitis in dogs can be caused by various factors and can present in different forms.

It can be caused by allergies, infections, foreign bodies, or injury. Symptoms include redness, discharge, swelling, and discomfort.

Treatment varies based on the cause and may include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medications, and eye washes. It’s important to consult a vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Can I use a human eye solution on my dog? 

No, human eye drops are not recommended for dogs. The eye anatomy and conditions affecting dogs and humans differ, and using human medications could potentially harm your dog’s eyes. 

However, eye supplements are considered beneficial for overall eye health in dogs, although they are not very effective in treating acute eye medical conditions.

Can you treat a dog’s eye infection without a vet? 

While some mild eye infections might improve with basic home care like cleaning, most eye infections in dogs require veterinary attention. 

Antibiotics or antihistamines may be prescribed depending on the cause of the infection. It’s essential to consult a vet to avoid complications.

What can I give my dog with an eye infection? 

For dog eye infections, a vet may prescribe:

  • Antibiotics: Either in the form of eye drops or oral antibiotics to combat bacterial infections.
  • Eye drops or ointments: To soothe irritation and promote healing.
  • Antihistamines: If the infection is allergy-related.

Can a dog’s eye infection heal on its own? 

While it’s possible for a dog to fight off an eye infection, leaving it untreated can lead to serious complications and unnecessary pain. 

Eye infections can be extremely painful and can potentially lead to more severe issues, including blindness. Thus, it’s important to seek veterinary care for a dog with a suspected eye infection.


In wrapping up, treating an eye infection in dogs at home involves a blend of careful observation, gentle home remedies, and preventive measures.

From using saline solutions and chamomile tea compresses to understanding when to implement protective gear like dog goggles, we’ve explored various strategies to ensure the health and comfort of our canine companions.

Regular veterinary check-ups remain a cornerstone of maintaining your dog’s eye health, and being proactive in eye care can prevent more serious issues.

We’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences on this topic. If you’ve found these tips helpful or have your own insights on treating dog eye infections at home, please share them in the comments.

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