Dog Peeing Blood: Possible Reasons & Life-Saving Tips

dog peeing blood

As pet guardians, we naturally worry when our cherished pets display signs of discomfort or illness, such as finding blood in their urine.

Blood in your dog’s urine can be scary, and it’s essential to understand the potential causes, the importance of seeking veterinary care, and how to support your beloved companion through this difficult time.

In this article, we will explore some common reasons behind blood in dog urine and guide you on handling the situation responsibly.

Table of Contents

Blood in Dog Urine: What Does it Mean When Your Dog is Peeing Blood?

When your canine is peeing blood, it’s not something you should ignore, as it indicates the presence of blood in your dog’s urine, known as hematuria.

Hematuria can be a sign of a hidden health issue, and it’s essential to understand what it may mean for your dog. Here’s a breakdown of possible implications:

Underlying Conditions

Bloody urine is often a symptom of a hidden urinary tract problem affecting the urinary tract or other related organs.

These can include upper and lower urinary tract infections, bladder or kidney stones, obstructions, bladder infections, kidney cancer, urinary tract inflammation, trauma, tumors, urinary tract cancer, or systemic issues like blood clotting disorders or kidney disease.

Inflammation or Irritation

Bloody urine can also result from inflammation or irritation in the lower or upper urinary tract. Conditions like cystitis (bladder inflammation) or urethritis (inflammation of the urethra) can cause blood to appear in the canine’s urine.

Abdominal Pain or Discomfort

Dogs experiencing hematuria may also show signs of pain or discomfort while urinating. They may exhibit straining, vocalization, frequent urination attempts with little urine produced, or signs of overall distress.

Potential Seriousness

While some cases of bloody urine may have relatively mild causes, it’s important to recognize that it can also indicate more serious conditions, such as lower or upper urinary tract cancers or systemic diseases affecting the urinary system or other organs.

Need for Veterinary Attention

Regardless of the cause, it’s crucial to consult a veterinarian promptly if you observe your dog peeing blood. A veterinarian can thoroughly examine, conduct diagnostic tests (such as urinalysis, bloodwork, and imaging), and diagnose correctly.

Early intervention can lead to timely treatment and better outcomes for your dog’s health.

Remember, urine blood is abnormal and should be taken seriously. It’s best to seek veterinary care to identify the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment for your dog’s specific condition.

In the following section, we will discuss the possible reasons for your dog peeing blood in detail, so read on.

Why is My Dog Peeing Blood: 20 Possible Reasons for Blood in Dog Urine

Here’s a brief explanation of each possible cause for a dog peeing blood:

1. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Bacterial infection in the urinary tract can lead to inflammation, irritation, and bloody urine. If you suspect your dog has a bacterial urinary tract infection, visit your vet asap.

2. Bladder Stones or Urine Crystals

Mineral deposits in the bladder can cause irritation, leading to blood in the dog’s urine. These stones or crystals can vary in size and composition.

3. Bladder or Kidney Infections

A kidney infection can cause inflammation, leading to blood in the canine’s urine. The same goes for a bladder infection.

Bacteria or other pathogens can be responsible for these infections. If you suspect your dog has a kidney infection or bladder infection, visit the emergency vet as soon as possible.

4. Trauma or Injury to the Lower or Upper Urinary Tract

Physical trauma or injury, such as accidents or falls, can damage the urinary tract and result in your dog urinating blood.

5. Urinary Tract Obstruction (Kidney Stones or Tumors)

Blockages in the urinary tract, such as kidney stones or tumors, can hinder the normal flow of urine, causing blood to appear in the canine’s urine.

6. Inflammation of the Bladder (Cystitis)

Non-infectious inflammation of the bladder can cause bloody urine. The exact cause of cystitis may not always be known.

7. Prostate Infections (in Male Dogs)

Enlargement or infection of the prostate gland in male dogs can lead to blood in a male dog’s urine.

However, note that they’re more common in older male dogs. If you have a male dog, take your furry friend to the vet regularly to prevent urinary issues like this one on time.

Like people, older dogs can have difficulty urinating and other urinary tract problems, so watch your dog’s urinary habits closely.

Also, as a responsible pet owner, you should visit the vet with your male dog regularly and require a urine culture and blood test to determine the cause of the discolored urine.

8. Cancer of the Urinary Tract

Tumors or cancers affecting the urinary tract, including the bladder, kidneys, or urethra, can cause blood in the dog’s urine. If you suspect your dog has urethra cancer, kidney cancer, or bladder cancer, visit the emergency vet as soon as possible.

9. Blood Clotting Disorders

Blood clotting disorders can result in excessive bleeding in various body parts, including the urinary tract, resulting in your dog urinating blood.

10. Kidney Disease or Infection

Infections or diseases affecting the kidneys can result in blood appearing in the urine. These conditions may involve kidney inflammation, damage, or impaired function of the kidneys.

If you suspect your dog’s kidney function is affected by something, schedule a vet appointment immediately. Otherwise, you’re putting your dog’s kidneys at risk. A kidney disease or kidney infection could result in kidney failure.

11. Ingestion of Toxic Substances

Certain toxic substances, when ingested, can cause damage to the urinary tract, leading to blood in the urine. Examples include antifreeze or certain medications.

12. Side Effects of Certain Medications

Some medications can cause side effects, including blood in the urine and other urinary tract issues in both male and female dogs. It’s important to consult with a veterinarian about any medication your dog is taking.

13. Coagulopathy

Disorders that affect blood clotting can lead to bleeding in various body systems, including the urinary tract.

14. Autoimmune Disorders Affecting the Urinary System

Certain autoimmune disorders can cause inflammation and damage the urinary tract, resulting in bloody urine.

15. Hormonal Imbalances (e.g., Cushing’s Disease)

Hormonal disorders, such as Cushing’s disease, can impact the urinary tract and contribute to blood in your dog’s urine. So, it could also be a result of hormone-related incontinence.

16. Excessive Exercise Leading to Trauma in the Urinary Tract

Intense or prolonged exercise can sometimes cause trauma to the urinary tract, resulting in blood in the urine, regardless if it’s a male or female dog.

17. Canine Idiopathic Cystitis

This refers to inflammation of the bladder with no known cause. It can cause blood and other urinary symptoms in your dog’s urine.

18. Polyps or Tumors

Non-cancerous polyps or tumors in the urinary tract can cause bleeding and result in blood appearing in the urine.

19. Parasitic Infections

Certain parasites, such as the parasite responsible for schistosomiasis, can infect the urinary tract and cause blood in the canine’s urine.

20. Congenital Abnormalities

Some dogs may be born with structural abnormalities in the urinary tract that can contribute to blood in the urine.

As you can notice, there’s a wide range of possible causes for bloody urine in dogs and each one requires a thorough veterinary evaluation to determine the precise cause and appropriate treatment.

The same goes for a bloody stool. If you notice blood in your dog’s poop, visit your vet asap.

Dog Peeing Blood but Acting Normal: What Does it Mean?

If your dog is peeing blood but otherwise acting normal, it may be puzzling and create uncertainty about the severity of the situation.

While it’s a positive sign that your dog isn’t showing obvious signs of distress, taking the symptom seriously and seeking veterinary attention is essential.

Here’s a list of important points to consider:

Dogs Hiding Pain

Dogs hide their discomfort or pain as a survival instinct, which means they may not display overt signs of distress even if they’re experiencing discomfort.

Early Stage or Mild Condition

The underlying cause of blood in your pet’s urine may be relatively mild or just getting started, which may not yet be causing noticeable behavioral changes. However, this doesn’t mean the condition should be ignored or left untreated.

Potential Serious Underlying Issues

Although your dog appears normal, blood in the urine can still indicate a serious underlying issue.

Infections, bladder stones, or tumors can cause blood in the puppy’s urine, requiring veterinary attention for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Importance of Timely Intervention

The earlier the underlying cause is identified and addressed, the better the chances of successful treatment and recovery for your dog. Delaying veterinary care may lead to the condition’s progression and potential complications.

It’s crucial not to rely solely on your dog’s behavior to assess their health.

Dogs can be adept at masking discomfort, and internal health issues may not always be present with visible symptoms. Consulting a veterinarian is the best course of action to determine the cause of blood in your dog’s urine and ensure appropriate treatment.

They can perform a thorough examination, conduct necessary tests, and provide guidance based on their professional expertise. Prompt veterinary care is crucial for your dog’s well-being and long-term health.

Blood in Dog Urine: What Should I Do if My Dog Has Blood in His Urine?

If you notice blood in your dog’s urine, it’s important to take the following steps:

Contact Your Veterinarian

Reach out to your veterinarian as soon as possible to discuss the situation. Describe the symptoms and provide relevant information about your dog’s health and recent behavior. Your veterinarian will guide you on the next steps.

Schedule a Veterinary Appointment

It’s crucial to schedule a veterinary appointment promptly. Blood in your dog’s urine can indicate a hidden health issue that requires diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Your veterinarian will perform a thorough examination and may recommend further diagnostic tests to determine the cause of the blood.

Collect a Dog Urine Sample

Collect a fresh urine sample from your dog before the veterinary appointment if possible. Your veterinarian may want to perform a urinalysis to assess the dog’s urine composition and check for bacteria, crystals, or other abnormalities.

Follow Veterinary Instructions

Your veterinarian may provide specific instructions, such as fasting your dog before the appointment or any other preparations needed. Follow their guidance carefully to ensure accurate testing and evaluation.

Observe and Document Symptoms

Keep a close eye on your dog’s urination habits and document any additional symptoms or changes you observe. This information can help your veterinarian in diagnosing the underlying cause.

Avoid Administering Medications

Unless specifically instructed by your veterinarian, avoid giving your dog any over-the-counter medications intended for humans, even if you suspect it’s just a simple urinary tract infection. Certain medications can worsen the situation or interfere with diagnostic tests.

Provide Comfort and Support

While awaiting your veterinary appointment, ensure your dog can access clean water and a comfortable, stress-free environment. Monitor their urination patterns and overall well-being, and offer gentle reassurance and support.

Remember, blood in the urine isn’t normal for dogs and should be taken seriously. Timely veterinary intervention is essential to identify the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment.

Your veterinarian will guide you through the process and recommend the best action based on your dog’s condition.

Blood in Dog Urine: How Do You Treat Blood in a Dog’s Urine?

The treatment for blood in a dog’s urine depends on the underlying cause. After a thorough examination and appropriate diagnostic tests, your veterinarian will determine your dog’s most suitable treatment plan.

Here’s a list of common approaches to treating blood in a pet’s urine:


If a urinary tract infection is identified as the cause, antibiotics will be prescribed to target and eliminate the bacteria.

It’s important to complete the full course of antibiotics as your veterinarian prescribes.


Depending on the specific condition, your veterinarian may prescribe medications to address inflammation, pain, or other underlying issues contributing to the blood in the urine.

Ensure you give your dog the anti-inflammatory medication or pain medicine as instructed by your vet.

Dietary Changes

In some cases, dietary adjustments may be recommended to help manage or prevent certain conditions like bladder stones or urinary crystals. This can involve specialized diets that promote urinary health.

Your vet can suggest changes in your dog’s diet.


Suppose the cause of blood in the urine is due to bladder stones, tumors, or other structural abnormalities in the upper or lower urinary tract. In that case, surgical intervention may be necessary to remove or address the underlying problem.

Fluid Therapy

In cases of dehydration or to support urinary tract health, your veterinarian may administer fluid therapy to ensure proper hydration and promote urine production.

Management of Underlying Conditions

Suppose the blood in your dog’s urine is related to kidney disease, bladder cancer, lower urinary tract infection, or blood clotting disorder. In that case, the treatment will focus on managing that condition specifically.

Can Dogs Pee Blood From Stress?

Yes, stress can potentially lead to blood in a dog’s urine. However, it’s not a common cause. Other underlying health issues, such as skin allergies, renal telangiectasia, idiopathic renal hematuria, benign prostate problem, bladder cancer, bladder stones, lower urinary tract infections, upper urinary tract issues, and issues of the red blood cells, should be ruled out first.

Is Dog Peeing Blood an Emergency?

Yes, it’s considered an emergency. Blood in the urine can indicate a serious underlying condition, and prompt veterinary attention is necessary.

What Can I Give My Dog for Blood in Urine?

You shouldn’t give your dog anything for blood in the urine without veterinary guidance. It’s important to consult a veterinarian to determine the cause and appropriate treatment.

Blood in Dog Urine: Conclusion

Remember, if you ever notice your canine peeing blood, don’t ignore this symptom or try to self-diagnose. Timely veterinary intervention is vital for diagnosing and treating the underlying cause effectively.

By seeking professional help, you give your dog the best chance to recover quickly. As a responsible dog owner, you should always prioritize your pet’s well-being and trust in the expertise of your veterinarian.

With proper care, attention, and the right treatment, you can help your four-legged friend overcome health challenges and enjoy many years of love and companionship together.

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