Recognizing Dog UTI Symptoms for a Healthy Pet

dog uti symptoms

Understanding and identifying the primary signs of urinary tract infection in dogs early on enables you to quickly act to ensure your beloved dog gets the crucial care and treatment they deserve.

Just like humans, female and male dogs are also susceptible to bacterial urinary tract infections, which can cause discomfort and distress.

 The urinary tract, consisting of the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra, plays a vital role in eliminating waste from the dog’s body. However, when bacteria enter this system, it can lead to urinary tract infections that manifest in various ways. 

Here are the signs and symptoms of urinary tract infections in female and male dogs:

What are Dog UTI Symptoms?

Common symptoms of dog UTIs include increased frequency of urination, straining or difficulty urinating, blood in the urine, cloudy or strong-smelling urine, accidents or incontinence, and signs of discomfort such as whimpering or licking around the urinary area.

 Please note that these symptoms are also seen in dogs with bladder stones. That is why it is crucial to seek veterinary attention promptly to prevent complications such as kidney damage or systemic infection.

Also, it is important to remember that dog urinary tract infection symptoms can vary depending on the severity and location of the infection.

Female dogs are more prone to tract infection in dogs due to their shorter urethras, which provide easier access for bacteria to reach the bladder. Other risk factors include underlying health conditions, a weakened immune system, urinary stones, kidney infection, kidney disease, or obstructions, and poor hygiene.

A veterinarian will conduct a thorough examination, including urinalysis and possibly additional tests, to diagnose a urinary tract infection. The urinalysis might show white blood cells in the dog’s cloudy urine.

Treatment for uti symptoms typically involves a course of antibiotics prescribed by the vet, along with any necessary supportive care. Additionally, promoting proper hygiene, providing access to fresh water, and encouraging regular bathroom breaks can help prevent UTI symptoms in dogs.

Remember, early detection and treatment are key to helping your furry friend recover quickly and avoid further complications. Always consult a qualified veterinarian for personalized advice regarding your dog’s health.

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What Can I Give My Dog for a Urinary Tract Infection?

Your vet will prescribe antibiotics like amoxicillin for the dog with a urinary tract infection. The exact antibiotic will depend on the type of bacteria that is causing the infection.

The vet will, therefore, ask for a urine sample the moment they suspect bacterial urinary tract infections. Antibiotics will then be prescribed to treat that particular strain of bacteria. The exact dosage of the antibiotics will depend on your dog’s breed and size.

Remember: do not self-medicate for tract infection in dogs. Dogs urinary tract infections are a serious matter and should not be left untreated. They may even result in recurrent urinary tract infections or cause kidney failure.

You may also want to look for some supplements or dietary changes to support your dog’s weakened immune system. Some dogs even need pain medication to prevent abdominal pain.

Will Dog UTI Resolve on Its Own?

Experts suggest that most dog urinary tract infection symptoms will not resolve on their own. They may even worsen with time, leading to frequent urination and bloody urine.

Your dog might also be in pain, and its quality of life will be poor.

That is why you must not wait for urinary tract infections utis to resolve on their own. Take a urine culture or urine sample and get your vet to prescribe antibiotics for your dog’s bladder infections. 

Dog’s urine samples can also help rule out more serious underlying condition like Cushing’s Disease, bladder cancer, etc.

How Can I Treat My Dog’s UTI at Home?

Ideally, you should not waste time treating canine urinary tract infections utis at home. The moment you notice a change in your dog’s urination habits or spot bloody urine, you must seek medical help after taking a urine culture.

Veterinarians warn that failure to act after seeing these symptoms could result in kidney problems in dogs. It can also increase the dog’s risk of other complications. Note that dogs predisposed to UTIs in dogs usually have diabetes or other health issues.

The urinary tract’s defenses are weakened, which results in the infection. Older female dogs that are spayed can also have spay incontinence, which can result in bacterial infection of the urinary tract.

What Happens if Urinary Tract Infections Go Untreated in Dogs?

If a urinary tract infection in dogs goes untreated, it can lead to several potential complications and health issues. Here are some of the possible consequences:

Spread of infection

Untreated UTIs in dogs can allow bacteria to multiply and spread to other parts of the urinary tract, such as the kidneys, leading to a more severe infection known as pyelonephritis. This condition can cause kidney damage and impair their proper functioning.

Recurrent Infections

Chronic or recurrent UTIs in dogs may occur if the initial infection is not properly treated. Bacteria can persist in the urinary tract, leading to repeated bouts of infection, which can be more challenging to eliminate.

 In severe cases, bacteria from the untreated UTIs in dogs can enter the bloodstream, causing a condition called sepsis. Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that can affect multiple organs and lead to organ failure.

Bladder Stones

Some UTIs can be associated with the formation of bladder stones. These stones can irritate the bladder lining and make it more difficult to eliminate bacteria. They may require surgical intervention to be removed.

Urinary Incontinence

Chronic UTIs can cause damage to the urinary tract, leading to urinary incontinence, where the dog loses control over their bladder and may have accidents.

Kidney Infection or Kidney Disease

Over time, a dog with untreated UTI could also suffer from a kidney problem such as kidney disease, or kidney failure. The symptoms include increased thirst, decreased appetite, weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, lethargy, etc. Dogs with kidney disease could also suffer from foul, ammonia-like breath.

Also Read: Dog UTI Treatment

Can a Female Dog UTI Go Away on Its Own? How Do You Get Rid of a UTI in a Female Dog?

No, UTI needs medical intervention. Your girl will need antibiotics to eliminate the Escherichia coli bacterium causing the infection. Without antibiotics, there may be repeated UTIs and other health problems. It can also lead to complicated uti.

Remember: female dogs are more prone to UTIs in dogs because the urinary opening is closer to the anus. this transmits germs to the urethra with ease.

Also, you need to be sure that your female dog is indeed suffering from UTI in dogs. Often, certain other underlying conditions (including bladder cancer) may be causing cloudy urine, blood in urine, difficulty urinating, and other common signs of bladder infection.

That is why pet parents must have regular urine cultures done on their dogs. Your vet will examine the dog’s urinary system to rule out serious issues like Cushing’s disease, kidney stones, or bladder cancer.

To eliminate uncomplicated UTI in dogs:

  • Take your dog out frequently for potty breaks
  • Monitor the dog’s water intake.
  • Make sure your dog drinks a lot of water.

FAQs – Dog Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms

What happens when a male dog gets a UTI?

If a male dog gets a UTI, it will strain to pee. The dog urine may be bloody or cloudy. It will also have frequent urination or urination accidents.

What can I give my male dog for a UTI?

If your male dog has a UTI, please take your dog to the veterinary clinic along with a sample of its urine. The vet will do a urine analysis to see which bacterial growth is causing the dog’s UTI and prescribe antibiotics to treat it.

Will a UTI go away on its own in dogs?

Since harmful bacteria cause UTI in dogs, the infection cannot go away by itself. Your dog needs antibiotics to treat the infection’s underlying cause. Your dog will also need special diagnostic tests to rule out other causes of chronic UTIs. 

What causes a male dog to get a UTI? What causes bacterial urinary tract infections in dogs?

Male dog UTIs can occur due to inadequate potty breaks, inadequate water drinking, and a poor diet. Prostate gland issues can also result in urinary infections in dogs. Sometimes, bacteria may travel from the dog’s poop and enter the urinary tract resulting in infection.

How can I treat my male dog’s UTI at home?

Please do not waste time with at home remedies for treating UTI in dogs. Your pet needs antimicrobial agents after complete blood work at the vet’s office to eliminate the underlying cause of UTIi in dogs.

What are tips for UTI prevention?

Get your dog to empty its bladder frequently. Also, make sure it drinks plenty of water. Do not ignore early warning signs of UTI.

Conclusion – Symptoms of Canine UTIs

Most dogs with UTIs show symptoms such as increased thirst, producing very little urine, and straining while urinating. The color of the urine might be cloudy or reddish brown. There also could be a foul odor.

The veterinary team will assess the exact reason behind the infections in dogs and take other steps to preventing UTIs.

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