A New Generation of Healthy Treats: Can Dogs Eat Watermelons?

can dogs eat watermelon

Looking for a healthy snack option for your dog? Watermelons might just be the ideal pick.

If you’re a dog lover yourself, there’s a 100% guarantee you’ve stared deeply into a piece of food and wondered, “Can my dog eat this?” Absolute applause for that thought process, it’s always vital to question and think before acting.

When “healthy” gets thrown into a conversation, it triggers the fruits and vegetables of the word. On the topic of healthy treats, what fruits can your dog eat? Which are toxic? Which have the best health benefits?

Generally speaking, you should always, always ask the right questions and follow through research prior to introducing something new, such as food. Specifically, can dogs eat watermelon as their new healthy snack?

Read more to tackle the aspect of yes or no, the health benefits, how to serve, and the potential risks.

So, Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

Is watermelon good for dogs?

Let’s get straight to the point, it’s a yes. But, there’s a lot of but’s.

Similar to humans, watermelons are undeniably the epitome of a refreshing, healthy snack. A beach and barbecue go-to. And for dogs, watermelons are the absolute summer snack they never knew they needed.

However, precaution and control are needed in terms of the parts and portions. It’s important to take notes!

Health Benefits of Watermelons for Dogs

Like other fruits, watermelons burst in nutrients and vitamins that your dog will definitely benefit from.

First off, watermelons thrive with vitamins A, B6, C, and potassium — which all carry their own perks and effects. Specifically, according to Susan Lauten of Pet Nutrition Consulting, vitamin A and potassium are the two nutrients that a dog absolutely needs.

Watermelons are also high in fiber which assists with digestion. Additionally, the fiber content counteracts the sugar content by preventing the release of sugars into the bloodstream too rapidly.

Unfortunately, cancer is the leading cause of death in dogs.

However, watermelons contain lycopene, which is an antioxidant that potentially prevents the development of cancer. Furthermore, the fruit is composed of 92 percent water thus being an optimal source of hydration, especially during the summer and those hot days.

To drive “healthy” further, the list of benefits extend to low in cholesterol, sodium, calories, and completely fat-free!

Evidently, watermelon is the powerhouse of healthy snacking for your dogs.

Watermelons and Dogs: How Should You Serve It?

Once and for all, you can only serve natural, fresh watermelons.

Your dogs deserve better than artificial and sweetened (and so do you)! Aside from the dilemma of “deserving,” these products contain an overwhelming amount of sugar and unsafe chemicals that would place your dog at risk.

The simplest, safest way is fresh watermelon in small, healthy cubes.

Some sources may advise that the potential dangers depend on the number of seeds ingested and the size of your dog. This holds true, however, it’s best to eliminate any dangers: do not feed a single seed to your dog!

Additionally, the watermelon rinds contain firm parts that cannot be chewed and digested properly. Most importantly, the green skin cannot be digested by your dog at all. Steer clear of these two watermelon parts!

Though, if you’re feeling a tad bit creative, here are a few tips.

You can blend watermelon and pour it into an ice cube tray for frozen cubes of freshness. However, take your dog’s current age and dental health must be taken into consideration prior.

Another crowd favorite is a fruit smoothie bowl! Mix in watermelons with other safe fruits and ingredients and let your dog enjoy yummy goodness.

What Are the Risks Of Feeding Watermelons to Your Dog?

Watermelons should not be part of your dog’s daily diet.

Yes, it is a healthy snack, but increasing the intake also increases the risk of gastrointestinal upset. Treat as a treat!

To further emphasize the rule of avoiding artificial and sweetened, xylitol may be used as their artificial sweetener, which is toxic for dogs! Additionally, excess sugar increases diabetes and obesity long-term.

Ingestion of the seeds, rinds, or skin will cause blockage in their digestive tract or the intestines and overall problematic digestion, regardless of your dog’s size.

It’s absolutely essential that as their best friend, you pay attention and observe.

In the event of accidental ingestion, watch out for constipation, lethargy, vomiting, and abdominal pain. These are signs of intestinal blockage. For gastrointestinal upset, abdominal pain and diarrhea are common symptoms.

Consult your veterinarian in any case of surfacing symptoms to best treat your dog.

The Final Verdict: Can Dogs Have Watermelon?

Bottom line, YES! Watermelons are absolutely safe for your furry friends.

Among other fruits, watermelons are part of the list of healthy treats and snacks for dogs. However, if you’re interested in other fruits, there are a number of safe fruits out there. But remember, research first!

It’s an important reminder to remove seeds, cut off the rinds, and not let them ingest the watermelon skin as these can lead to pressing health conditions such as blockage and gastrointestinal upset.

Similar to any new food introduction for your dog, play your role in carefully observing them with behavior — they may be trying to send you signs!

Happy treating!

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