Can Dogs Eat Mango? 6 Amazing Nutrients That You Need To Know

can dogs eat mango

Have you ever pondered if it’s okay for dogs to consume mangoes? YES! Indeed, they can.

Feeding mangoes to your dog is completely safe, provided the skin and the pit are taken out, given their richness in vitamins. However, it’s essential to remember that mangoes should only be given moderately to your furry friends.

Many dogs enjoy fruit, but not all fruits are healthy for them. Some are even poisonous.

But, the question still stands, can dogs eat mango?

Let’s lift the veil…

Mangoes can be a healthy and enjoyable alternative treat for your dog, but they require some preparation.

Mango Is a Healthy Occasional Treat

Mangos, like many other fruits, is a sweet treat for dogs.

It contains a variety of nutrients which has many health benefits for dogs. One mango contains only about 60 calories but is high in vitamins and minerals.

It is particularly high in vitamin C. This is beneficial to the body’s immune system and promotes healthy growth and repair functions.

But wait, there’s more…..

Mango skin contains powerful antioxidants, but they may be harmful to the dog and cause a stomach upset.

Let your dog eat mango but make sure you remove the mango skin.

They can be great training treats.

This fruit is also high in water and dietary fiber, so feeding your dog mango may help your dog’s digestive tract.

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6 Amazing Nutrients That You Need To Know

1. Carotene

This carotenoid is responsible for the orange pigment that gives this tropical fruit its vibrant color. Beta carotene is a vitamin A precursor that promotes eye and skin health.

Overall, beta-carotene is important for immune system regulation. According to research, it may even help older dogs’ immune systems.

2. Vitamin C

Including vitamin C and antioxidants through mango in your dog’s diet can significantly boost their immunity.

A piece of mango is an easy way to boost your dog’s vitamin C levels, especially if he is stressed or exercising a lot. When your dog is sick, it can also help boost its immune system.

3. Vitamin B6

This water-soluble vitamin is required for a variety of bodily functions such as protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism.

Vitamin B6 is also necessary for the health of your dog’s skin, coat, and nails.

4. Potassium

Potassium is a mineral that dogs require. It contributes to the proper functioning of your dog’s heart, muscles, and nervous system.

If your dog does not get enough potassium, he or she may appear tired or suffer from frequent muscle injuries.

5. Calcium

Calcium, like potassium, benefits the heart, muscles, and nervous system. This mineral promotes healthy bones and teeth in dogs, just as it does in humans.

6. Magnesium

Magnesium, like the other minerals listed here, helps your dog’s heart, muscles, and nervous system function.

This nutrient also helps your dog’s immune system, blood sugar regulation, and bone strength.

Is Mango Bad for Dogs?

If you give your dog a piece of mango fruit, there is usually no cause for concern; however, if the mango is not peeled or your dogs may ingest the mango pits, there may be cause for concern.

Guess what…..

Dogs eat dried mango as well.

But, feeding mango to your dog in an excessive amount, like any other food, can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and intestinal blockage if your dog ingests it in large enough quantities.

As a result, mango should be introduced gradually and fed in moderation.

Diabetic and overweight dogs should receive very small amounts because they are naturally high in sugar and it might affect your dog’s daily caloric intake.

How To Feed Your Dog Mango?

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All pet parents worry about what to feed their pets and how to feed them.

Well, for all the dog owners…

Dog eats mangoes, you could chop it up beforehand so it’s a longer-lasting (albeit higher calorie) treat that could be used during training sessions.

Here’s how you can feed your dogs’ mango…..

Before giving your dog mango, thoroughly wash it, peel off the skin, and remove the mango pit. The fruit should then be cut into 1-inch cubes.


You can easily feed your dog small cubes of raw mango. It’s a healthy snack. Place them in their food container so it’s easy to calculate the number of servings.


After you’ve cut up some mango, mash it up and add it to your dog’s food bowl.


Simply freeze some cubed mango pieces, in an ice cube tray for a frozen treat later.


Blend some mango to make mango juice or with other dog-safe fruits like blueberries, watermelon, and bananas to make an extra-special treat.

Then stir in a small amount of sugar-free, xylitol-free yogurt.

Every Dog Deserves A Sweet Snack

The bottom line: Can dogs eat mango?

Here’s the big answer…

Yes, fresh mango is always a healthy treat!

Dogs can eat mango and dried mango as long as the peel and pit are removed and only small amounts are fed, dogs can enjoy this tropical treat.

Because of its high sugar content, this sweet fruit should not be fed to diabetic dogs.

Consider supplementing it with doggie probiotics, dog food, or pumpkin powder whenever you introduce a new food or it can give your dog an upset stomach.

Your dog can benefit from this sweet treat as long as you introduce it in small amounts.

Read more to understand what other fruits you can feed your dog


What happens if my dog eats mango?

You can feed mango to your dog. It is a tasty treat. Mangoes contain essential vitamins b6 c and e that make them nutritious for your dog. However, avoid feeding too much mango to your dog as it can be difficult to digest.

What fruit can dogs not eat?

All dog owners should know that fruits and fruit juices are generally good for dogs however, some fruits might not be suitable for your pet. Avocados, cherries, grapes, and tomatoes can be toxic for your dog.

How many mangoes can a dog eat per day?

Dogs eat mangos. You should not serve more than a quarter cup of fresh mango or even dried mango. Eating too much mango is not suitable as your dog can get diarrhea.

Can dogs eat mango and pineapple?

Yes. Dogs can eat mango and pineapple both.

What fruits are safe for dogs?

Apples, bananas, blueberries, cantaloupe, cranberries, cucumbers, mango, peaches, pears, pineapple, raspberries, strawberries, and watermelon are good for your dogs even smaller dogs.

Can puppies have mango?

Yes, they can. The fruit is full of nutrition and safe for your pup to consume.

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