How Often Do Puppies Pee at Night?

how often do puppies pee at night

Are you struggling to get enough sleep as a new puppy owner because of your pet’s frequent urination at night?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone! It’s completely normal for puppies to need frequent bathroom breaks, especially during the night.

But how often is too often? In this blog post, we’ll explore the frequency of nighttime urination in puppies and give you some tips on how to ensure both you and your pup can get a good night’s rest. So grab a cup of coffee (or tea) and let’s dive in!

How Often Do Puppies Pee at Night?

Puppies generally need to urinate every few hours, even at night. Most puppies will be able to hold their bladder for four to six hours at a time by the time they are 12 weeks old in the puppy home.

However, if your puppy is sleeping through the night without having an accident, you may be able to reduce the number of nighttime trips outside by eliminating one of his nighttime feedings.

If your puppy is still having accidents at night, try confining him to a small area such as a bathroom or laundry room with easy-to-clean floors until he gets a little older and has better bladder control.

Should I Wake My Puppy Up To Pee At Night?

If your puppy is sleeping soundly through the night, it is probably fine to let them sleep. Most puppies will wake up on their own to relieve themselves.

However, if you are concerned that your puppy may need to go out during the night, there are a few things you can do to help them (and you) get some rest.

First, try giving your puppy a small drink of water before bedtime. This will help them stay hydrated and may lessen the chances of them needing to go out during the night.

You can also try feeding them a little earlier in the evening so that they have time to digest their food before bedtime.

Lastly, make sure they have plenty of opportunities to go potty during the day so that they are less likely to need to go at night.

If you do decide to wake your puppy up to take them out at night, be prepared for a few nights of interrupted sleep! Puppies typically need to go out every 3-4 hours, so plan accordingly.

Set an alarm or use a baby monitor so that you can hear when your pup stirs and take them out right away.

With a little patience and effort, you and your puppy will be able to get a good night’s sleep in no time!

Crate Your New Puppy at Night

As puppy owners, if your puppy is peeing a lot at night, you may need to crate him to help him learn to hold his bladder. Put your puppy in his crate with a toy or bone to chew on before you go to bed.

This will help him settle down and avoid making a mess in his crate. Make sure to take your puppy out for a potty break before crating him for the night.

At What Age Can a Puppy Hold Its Urine All Night?

Most puppies will be able to hold their urine through the night by the time they are 4 months old. However, some puppies may need to go out more frequently, especially if they are small breeds.

You should consult with your veterinarian if you have concerns about your puppy’s ability to hold its urine through the night.

Puppy Night Time Potty Schedule

Assuming your puppy is sleeping through the night, they will likely need to pee first thing in the morning, as well as 30-60 minutes after eating or drinking.

If possible, take your puppy out right before bedtime for a final potty break.

During the night, if you hear your puppy stirring or whining, it’s probably time for a potty break. Most puppies can hold their bladder for 4-6 hours overnight.

How To Potty Train Your Puppy With Pee Pads

The first step to potty training your puppy with pee pads is to choose the right size of the pad.

You want a pad that is big enough for your puppy to comfortably move around on, but not so big that it becomes a nuisance.

Next, you’ll need to find a good location for the pad. You’ll want to avoid putting it in an area that is too close to your puppy’s food or water dish, as this can encourage them to use the bathroom in that spot.

A good rule of thumb is to place the pad at least 10 feet away from these areas.

Once you’ve found a good location, it’s time to start training your pup! The best way to do this is to take them to the pad regularly, especially after they’ve eaten or had a drink.

When they relieve themselves on the pad, be sure to praise them enthusiastically so they know they’ve done something good!

If you find that your puppy is having accidents elsewhere in the house, simply bring them back to the pad and show them where they should go.

With patience and consistency, your puppy will soon learn that the pee pads are their designated bathroom spot!

How do I train my dog to hold his pee overnight?

If you’re potty training a puppy, you’ll probably need to wake up in the night to take him out to pee. But eventually, you’ll be able to sleep through the night without having to get up to let your pup out.

To train your dog to hold his pee overnight, follow these steps:

  1. Put your puppy on a regular potty schedule during the day. This will help him learn when it’s time to go.
  2. Make sure he has a good last potty break before bedtime.
  3. If possible, confine your puppy to a small area overnight so he won’t have too much space to roam and make accidents.
  4. Be prepared to wake up once or twice during the night for potty breaks. Slowly increase the time between trips outside until you can sleep through the night without having to take your pup out.

Read More: Dog Care: A Complete Guide to Keeping your Dog Healthy


1. Do puppies sleep through the night without peeing?

Most puppies will sleep through the night without needing to urinate. However, some may need to go out once or twice during the night for the first few weeks.

If your puppy does wake you up in the night, get your puppy outside immediately so he can relieve himself.

With a little patience and consistent training, your puppy will soon be sleeping through the night like a champ!

2. How long can puppies hold their pee at night?

Puppies can hold their pee at night for around four to six hours. However, this will depend on their age and size.

If your puppy is smaller, it may need to go more frequently. Also, if your puppy is still young, it may not be able to hold it for as long as an older dog.

3. How often do 8-week-old puppies pee at night?

At 8 weeks old, puppies should be able to hold their bladder for about 3-4 hours. However, they may still need to go out more frequently at night as their bodies are adjusting to sleeping through the night.

It’s important to take your puppy out for a potty break before bedtime and first thing in the morning to avoid accidents.

4. Can an 8-week-old puppy sleep through the night?

An 8-week-old puppy can sleep through the night, but it may take a few days or weeks for them to adjust.

Puppies typically need to urinate every few hours, so they may need to wake up once or twice during the night to go outside.

If your puppy is waking up more frequently than that, you may want to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any health concerns.

Final Notes

Assuming your puppy is around 8 weeks old and you’ve had him for a week, he’s probably still settling in and adjusting to his new home.

For the first few nights, it’s not unusual for puppies to cry or whine at night since they’re used to being with their littermates and mother.

It’s also perfectly normal for them to need to potty more frequently at night since they have small bladders.

The good news is that as your puppy gets acclimated to his new surroundings and starts to feel more comfortable, he’ll sleep better through the night and won’t need to potty as often.

If you’re still finding accidents in the morning or during the day, make sure you’re taking him out frequently enough.

A good rule of thumb is that puppies can hold their bladder for about one hour per month of age (so an 8-week-old puppy can hold it for about 2 hours).

If you find that your young puppies are having accidents overnight even though you’ve been taking them out regularly during the day, there could be a medical issue at play and you should consult your veterinarian.

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