When Do Puppies Stop Chewing? Unveiling the Age Milestone

when do puppies stop chewing

At what point do puppies stop chewing habitually? Puppy owners must understand the crucial period and key factors that affect their chewing behavior.

Explore why puppies chew, how to manage their teething phase, and when they usually outgrow this behavior.

When Do Puppies Stop Chewing?

Puppies typically stop chewing on inappropriate items once they have finished teething, around 6 to 8 months of age.

At this age, their milk teeth fall out to make room for their permanent adult teeth. But note that every puppy is different, and the duration of teething can vary.

Some canines may stop chewing sooner, while other young puppies chew for long periods. Consistent training and providing appropriate chew toys can help redirect their chewing behavior.

Why is My Puppy Still Chewing at 7 Months?

At seven months of age, your puppy may still be chewing for several reasons.

Firstly, a puppy begins teething at 3 weeks old. This phase can last up to six months, during which their adult teeth come in and their baby teeth fall out. This process can cause discomfort in your dog’s mouth, and chewing helps alleviate the pain in their sore gums.

Additionally, puppies at this age have a natural instinct to explore the world, including their house, through their mouths, and chewing is a normal part of their development.

If your puppy is still chewing things around the house at seven months, it may also be due to insufficient mental and physical stimulation. In other words, your dog may be seeking entertainment or trying to release pent-up energy.

Giving your indestructible chew toys or food (bones), and ensuring enough exercise and playtime can help keep their teeth off your TV remote and eliminate their destructive behavior.

Why is My 11-Month-Old Dog Still Chewing?

Puppy chewing at 11 months of age can happen for various reasons. While most canines have finished teething by this age, some may continue to chew out of habit or to relieve boredom or anxiety.

Chewing can also be a form of exploration and a means to keep their teeth clean. Still, you should evaluate your dog’s environment and routine if they’re still getting their teeth on household items.

Young dogs may need more interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and regular exercise.

It’s also possible adult dogs haven’t been adequately trained to understand what items they can get their adult teeth on. Consistent reinforcement and redirection to dog toys can help address this behavior.

Do Dogs Grow Out of Chewing?

Yes! Dogs typically grow out of excessive chewing as they mature into adulthood. As dogs age, their chewing behavior tends to decrease. By reaching adulthood, usually around 1 to 2 years, they have developed better impulse control and understand what items they can chew.

Note: While most dogs naturally grow out of excessive chewing, some older dogs may continue to engage in this behavior if their mental and physical stimulation needs aren’t adequately met.

Providing appropriate outlets for chewing for your puppy, such as toys, and ensuring they receive enough exercise and mental stimulation can help prevent destructive chewing habits.

Puppy Chewing: How Do I Get My Puppy Out of the Chewing Stage?

Here’s a list of strategies you can try to get your puppy out of their chewing stage:

Puppy-Proof Your Home

Puppy-proof your house by removing any items within your puppy’s reach that could be tempting to chew on. This includes shoes, cables, household chemicals, and other potentially dangerous objects.

Creating a safe environment prevents your pup from developing a habit of chewing on inappropriate items.

Provide Dog Chew Toys

Offer a variety of toys and dental chews specifically designed for puppies. Choose toys made of durable and safe materials. Encourage your puppy to chew on these fun toys by offering them instead of the items they usually chew.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Reward your pup with treats, praise, or playtime when they chew on their toys instead of inappropriate objects. Positive reinforcement helps reinforce the desired behavior and encourages them to continue chewing on appropriate items.

Supervise and Redirect

Keep a close eye on your puppy, especially during the chewing stage. They shouldn’t redirect their attention to a chew toy if you catch them chewing on household goods, such as a table leg, remote control, or even your bed.

Consistency is key in teaching your puppy what is acceptable to get their teeth on.

Ensure Physical and Mental Stimulation

Ensure your puppy gets plenty of exercise, playtime, and mental stimulation. Engaging activities help tire them out and reduce their desire to engage in chewing due to excess energy or boredom.

If nothing works and your puppy keeps chewing everything except their appropriate toy, try crate training or consult a professional.

Dog Chewing: What Dog Breeds Chew the Most?

While individual dogs within a breed can vary in their chewing habits, some dog breeds exhibit excessive chewing than others. Some dog breeds often associated with a higher likelihood of chewing include:

Labrador Retrievers

Labs love chewing and often retain their playful, puppy-like behavior into adulthood.

Golden Retrievers

Golden Retrievers have a strong oral fixation and may use chewing to relieve stress or boredom.

German Shepherds

This intelligent and active dog breed requires mental and physical stimulation. They may chew things to relieve their energy if their exercise and mental enrichment needs aren’t met.

Border Collies

Border Collies may use excessive chewing without proper mental and physical energy outlets because they’re highly intelligent canines.

Jack Russell Terriers

These small and energetic dogs have high activity levels. So, they may use chewing to alleviate boredom without sufficient physical and mental exercise.

Puppy Chewing: How to Stop a Teething Puppy From Chewing Everything?

Teething puppies often have a strong urge to chew to relieve the discomfort in their gums. Here’s a list of useful tips for redirecting their chewing behavior:

Provide Appropriate Chew Toys

Offer a variety of chew toys or food (edible chews) specifically designed for teething puppies. Look for toys made of rubber, nylon, or other safe materials. Avoid small toys that could pose a choking hazard to your dog.

If you consider buying dental chews, ensure they’re the right ones for your puppy.

Keep Dog Toys Easily Accessible

Place your dog’s favorite toy in areas where your puppy spends most of their time, such as their crate, playpen, or designated chewing area. You can also try crate training or contact a professional for help if your dog finds the appropriate toys boring.

If you don’t have a crate, comb the market for high-quality ones to find the best one for your puppy.

Use Taste Deterrents

Apply a safe taste deterrent, available at pet stores, to objects you don’t want your dog to chew on. The bitter taste discourages them from chewing those items.

Supervise and Redirect

Keep a close eye on your teething puppy. If you catch them chewing on the wrong things, calmly redirect their attention to their appropriate chew toy. Then, move the inappropriate items out of your dog’s reach.

Provide Cold or Frozen Items

Chilled or frozen toys, wet washcloths, or ice cubes can help soothe your teething puppy’s gums. However, always supervise your puppy when offering a frozen toy to prevent potential hazards.

Rotate Toys

To keep your puppy engaged, rotate their dog toys regularly. This prevents them from getting bored with the same toy and encourages them to focus on their appropriate toys. Lastly, don’t overwhelm your dog with too many toys.

Dog Chewing: Why Do Dogs Chew Aggressively?

Aggressive chewing in canines can be caused by several factors, including:

Anxiety or Stress

Dogs may chew aggressively on their favorite toy or furniture to cope with anxiety or relieve stress. It can be a self-soothing behavior for them.

Lack of Mental Stimulation

Canines need mental stimulation to keep their minds engaged and prevent boredom. They may use aggressive chewing to alleviate frustration or excess energy without proper mental enrichment.

Insufficient Exercise or Staying in a Confined Space

Dogs not getting enough physical stimulation may have pent-up energy, which can lead to aggressive chewing. Give your dog enough training to tire them out and reduce their chewing behaviors.

Lack of Appropriate Chew Toys

Puppies require fun toys to satisfy their natural chewing instincts. If they don’t have access to their own toys, such as a rope toy, they may aggressively chew on nearby objects, furniture, household items, old shoes, or even their body parts.

Separation Anxiety

Dogs with this condition may exhibit destructive chewing behaviors as a response to their distress when left alone. Chewing can help alleviate their anxiety but often results in destructive consequences.

Medical Issues

If none of this applies to your young or adult dog, watch for other signs. In some cases, canines may chew aggressively due to underlying dental problems, gum inflammation, or oral discomfort.

So, it’s important to examine your dog’s teeth and schedule a vet appointment if you notice anything unusual.

Closing Thoughts

Puppy chewing is natural. However, destructive chewing can be redirected with proper guidance and appropriate toys.

By understanding the important factors contributing to chewing behavior and applying consistent training techniques, dog owners can help their furry companions relieve pain properly, outgrow excessive chewing on time, and ensure a harmonious bond.

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