Can Dogs Eat Pineapples? Everything You Need To Know

Can dogs eat pineapple 1

The key question to consider here is – is it safe for your dog to eat pineapples? Can eating them provide any health advantages? Or is there a risk that it might be toxic? Might they enjoy the flavor? This indeed is the kind of consideration you should have each time you offer something new to your furry friend.

The danger lies in the mentality, if I can eat, my dog can eat it. There’s a long list of foods that humans enjoy, yet can cause serious harm for your dog. Garlic and onions are easier to doubt intuition through their strong fragrance and taste. But, did you know the sweet healthy snacks of grapes and avocados lead to organ failure and can be fatal for your dog?

Pineapples: Why is it a tough question to crack?

Like any other fruit, the types of chemical content is infinite. There are two sides to the story, two sides per content type: the benefits and the risks, the good and the bad. Even so, do the benefits outweigh the risk or should you stick to no risk? Doing your part in research is crucial, you are the judge.

Let’s break it down through the chemical contents of pineapples and their health-related effects, the ideal portion, how it’s served, and potential dangers.

Is it Safe for Your Dogs to Eat Pineapples?

Learn the Benefits and Risks

Yes! Although, let’s place emphasis on “in moderation.”

According to the American Kennel Club, raw pineapples are powered with vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, folate, riboflavin, and niacin. These alone allow prosperity in carbohydrate-energy conversion, digestive functions, optimization of body tissue and blood cells, and purely leads to overall good health.

And that’s just vitamins, how about minerals?

They contain manganese, copper, potassium, magnesium, iron, and traces of calcium, phosphorus, and zinc — this combination completes the package. From maintaining metabolism to developing muscle mass and health, and generating rhythm and energy — your dog might just end up healthier than you!

Unfortunately, like every other gift on Earth, pineapples do have their downside.

Pineapples are high in fiber and hold a generous amount of natural sugar. This can cause damage to your dog’s digestive tract, which can lead to an upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea.

However, don’t worry!

The chances of such only rise as the pineapple consumption rises. And this applies to every food type your dog ingests. It’s very important to live by the rule of “in moderation” to keep your dog’s safety in check.

Every dog is different, even within the same breed, dogs are their own unique self. If even at small amounts of pineapple, your dog has a negative reaction, health, and behavioral-wise, it’s best to sit this one out. As they say, there’s plenty of fish in the sea, there’s plenty of fruit out there!

How Many Pineapples is “In Moderation”?

As previously mentioned, all dogs are different.

Their best friend (you) knows them best, and you’re the perfect judge for that. Standard limitations would be avoiding daily intake and assessing the single portion according to your dog’s size. And of course, their initial reaction towards the fruit. Trust your gut!

How Should the Pineapples be Served for Your Dog?

Don’t even lie, pineapples are intimidating with their prickly outer core and pointed crown.

Feeding the skin to your dog is an absolute no.

First off, the spikes may puncture their tongues, esophagus, and even their stomach. Second, the contents of the skin may carry harmful chemicals, you don’t know where the pineapple has been! Also, don’t use the excuse of washing it, just don’t do it.

Some of us may enjoy the core of the pineapple and have no problem with eating it. Although the same does not apply to dogs, it can be harmful to them internally. Stick to the soft flesh of the fresh fruit!

Let’s face it.

Extracting fresh pineapples can become messy, with a dragging cycle of peeling and chopping. Though some stores offer ready-cut fresh pineapples, and that’s a score! With convenience in mind, there’s nothing more convenient than canned foods. Do as you please for yourself, but leave your dog out of it.

Canned pineapples and its artificial syrup are sweeter, but that obviously means more sugar.

High levels of sugar can lead to shortening their lifespan through obesity or diabetes, and other health complications. Hence, avoid it at all costs!

Now that you’ve got the basics, how should the pineapple be served?

According to Dogster, this is how to share with your furry friends:

  1. Pineapple chunks: The simplest way! Give them a small, fresh chunk of skinned pineapple, and remember no core.
  2. Frozen treats: Blend pineapples and freeze them in dollops as mini frozen treats.
  3. Pineapple topping: Sprinkle small slices of pineapples to serve a dinner plus dessert meal.
  4. Baked pineapple: Throw in some pineapples to your existing homemade recipes to spice things up!
  5. Grilled pineapple: Keep it small, and allow it to cool off before serving.

The Final Verdict? Pineapples and Dogs, Yes or No?

Pineapples are undeniably healthy for you and your dog. On top of incredible taste, the overwhelming benefits in metabolism, body tissue, muscle mass, and blood cells makes it easier to give it a shot!

But, you have to know when to call it quits.

Limit the consumption to occasionally and limit it by portion. Moderation, people! Another is to judge your dog’s initial reaction, keep a close eye on their bodily functions upon introducing new things.

Get creative with how you serve the fruit with Little Things’ recipes. Say no to canned, say no to the skin, and say no to the core!

Fresh pineapples are a step in the right direction for a healthy, safe, delicious treat for your dog. Let us know about your dog’s experience in the comments below!

Happy treating!

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